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My Book Of Shadows

To start off with, I'm not going to put a whole lot of spells on here, just some to get you started, to use as outlines for your own spells. If you need help on what to use for what, try my correspondence pages, if they do not help e-mail me and I will help you with some correspondence. These are some of my spells as well as others that I felt were good examples.

Of course the best spells are the ones you write yourself, You put your own energy into writing them so they always seem to work better then a spell you get from someone else, even if you do change it some, it still seems a little less effective. These spells are to be used only if you aren't intending on harming anyone mentally, physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually. If that's your intention, then exit my site immediately. You won't find any of that here. (Keep the Wiccan Rede and the Three-Fold law in mind). If you only take spells and never write your own you can't call yourself a true Wiccan, because you aren’t. You are cheating it.

One Last Note
*Love spells can only be used if you want to bring love into your life and SHOULD NOT be used on a specific person or attraction*

Please Read

UnderStanding Magick
Ethics of Wicca

Before going any further on this Page!

Full Moon Ritual

The Full moon is a time of celebration. Celebrate the energies that you want in your life. Celebrate the energies that are already present in your life, and the growth that has been achieved. It is a time of being in a place of gratitude and thanks. The full moon is a time when you celebrate complications in your live- even if they aren't quite there yet (Amber Wolfe)

Envision this room being surrounded by a bright, white light as the circle is being cast. (The priestess circles the room clockwise three times with frankincense, incense or sage)

Invoke Elements

(Facing East) Blessed be the spirits of air, illumination through creative communication the mind is awareness, perception in all philosophy focuses for peace in chaos

(Facing South) Blessed be the spirit of fire. In innocence I am born, in faith do I grow, in strength am I purified, I’m protection I walk.

(Facing West) Blessed be the spirit of water. Feelings are but tiny trickles and emotions, gentle brooks leading to the great rivers of inner knowing and dreams. All are pulled to the deep ocean mother, by the lady of the healing lights.

(Facing North) Blessed be the spirit of earth. With patience do I seek sacred knowledge and wisdom. With practicality do I prosper. With ceremony do I learn earth wisdom. With ritual do I support my soul's growth. The symbols of earth do I teach.

Reader: Gracious Goddess, You are the queen of the Gods, the lamp of night, the creator of all that is wild and free; Mother of woman and man;... Descend, I pray, with your lunar ray of power upon our circle here.

The time of the full moon is when we should examine our lives and try to improve them.
Write a wish (or wishes) that you want to accomplish in your life this year, and seal it in an envelope.
Open this envelope on the next Samhain to see how your wishes came true.
Gaze into the candle's flame and visualize your goals and wishes coming true while saying the candle of power chant several times

Candle of power,
candle of might,
Create my desires here on this night.....
(Repeat the chant for several moments as participants stare into the flames of the candles and imagine their wishes being fulfilled.)

Reader: Wondrous Lady of the Moon, You who greets the dusk with silvered kisses; Mistress of the night and all the magick, who rides the clouds in blackened skies and spills light upon the cold Earth; O Lunar Goddess, Crescent-One, Shadow maker and shadow breaker; revealer of mysteries past and present; Puller of seas and ruler of women; All-wise Lunar Mother, I greet your celestial jewel at the waxing of it's powers with a rite in Your honor I pray by the Moon.

Release Elements

(Facing North) Depart in peace, spirit or earth thank you for your wisdom.

(Facing West) Depart in peace, spirit of water thank you for your healing

(Facing South) Depart in peace, spirit of water thank you for your protection.

(Facing East) Depart in peace, spirit of air thank you for your inspiration.

Third Eye Ritual

Perform this spell 3 days before the Full Moon.
Go out into a place where you can see the moon clearly when you face west.
Get some psychic oil (i.e. Jasmine, or Yarrow, or Mugwort) and rub it on your third eye charka,
then take a leaf of one of the 2 herbs above and place it in your right hand visualizing yourself getting the power and say while looking at the moon:
"Fair moon in the sky, Shed your beam.
Grant me the third eye, Let the future gleam before me.
Let me see what is to lie in a dream or in a vision, show me the future and my mission.
And as it harms none so mote it be!"
Then take the herb you have in your right hand and say 3 times

"Lend me the power, Grant me the third eye."

If you're performing this inside then you should have at least 5 purple candles and 5 white candles lit in the room as your only light.
If you're performing this outside then go by nothing by the light of the full moon and a small fire.

To Bless a New Relationship

Bake a fresh loaf of bread.
Hold it up to the moon and ask the lady to bless the bread as well as the relationship.
Break off a piece of bread for your partner, as well as one for yourself.
As you share time together, share the bread as well.

(Do not cut the bread with any kind of cutting tool. Just break off pieces with your hands.)

Adding butter or Jam might be better, for it might sweeten things up a little. ;-) )

To Protect Your Sleeping Room

While saying this, psychically trace pentacles on the opening of the room.
"This room I now shut from all doers of bad and evil.
This room I now protect from all that is wrong.
This shield I now cast to keep all harm from entering.
This shield I now glue to this opening.
This dwelling and this room I shield thee from all that is unhappy, all that is harmful, and all that is not of a pure and loving nature.
In the name of the Lord and the Lady,
I thank thee.
Blessed be!"

Burn some sage or sage incense and with a piece draw a triangle on the door,
finally burn some protection incense.
Imagine drawing a white-light purple/blue light.

Healing Flame

(If you are doing this for another person make sure it is ok with them first!)

Draw a picture of yourself, or the person you're performing this for with the disease, wound, or condition.
Clearly point out the problem in the picture: a large hammer against the head to represent a headache; black works for a virus; a broken limb; a sore.

Charge a red candle with healing energy.
Light the candle's flame.
Hold the tip of the picture in the flame.
After it's lit drop it in a heat proof container.
Now with the red candle still burning.
Draw another picture of yourself (or the person you are performing this on) without the headache, free of the virus or sore, or with a healed limb.
Place the picture under the red candle and let it burn out.

To Learn the Truth

Light Alter candles and incense.

Think hard on the subject about whom you wish to learn the truth.
Light petitioners candles; a candle representing yourself. (can be any color you feel represents yourself.) and say:
"This candle I light to represent myself.
it burns as does the spirit.
it is as myself in all things.

Light 2 white candles and say:

"These are the symbols for truth.
They are enjoined about (your name) and to me show all truth."
then say:
" As I woke in the night 'cross the brown heath bare, in the bright moons light saw a castle fair;
Lords and Ladies, great and small.
Where crowding in, 'twas a festival, Grasses in the wind are waving.
They blade me welcome and I went to drink their wine to my heart's content.
I danced and laughed with the ladies fair.
Ne're in my life had I such cheer; Grasses in the wind are waving.
Then all at once there came a cry: Haro by yaro!
Asleep fell I, While a lady dancing at my side seemed like a lizard away to glide;
Grasses in the wind are waving. I woke in the early light of day,
In an olden ruin I did lay,
O're the rock and into the sun I saw a green-gold lizard run!
Grasses in the wind are waving.
Now the truth I know and it stays with me,
For I have seen what I did see,
All secret knowledge came to mind, borne on laughter of the other kind;
Grasses in the wind are waving."

Then sit in quiet contemplations for half n hour. In this time will the truth of the subject in question come to you.
extinguish the candles.

Stone of Luck

Pick a small stone of your choice and a candle that is the correct color for what you want (if its money then green, etc..)
Appropriate herbs and/or incense,
a cloth,
oil (olive, jasmine, or mint)
some bowls (glass, crystal, or black)

There are no words to this spell, it's all concentration and visualization.
First you need to meditate long enough, you may start the spell.

Light the candle and incense. (be sure you have all the things you need with you.)
Hold the rock in your power hand (Your dominate hand)
Concentrate on what you need/want.
Run the rock through the flame 3 times then put it into the water.
Cup your hands over the bowl.
Then take the rock out of the water and sprinkle the herbs on it.
After you have done that, put the rock into the dry bowl.
Visualize yourself getting what you want.
Then anoint the rock with the oil and put it back into the dry bowl.
Sprinkle some salt onto the rock.
Concentrate more. Then wrap the rock into the cloth and leave it for at least 24 hours.
Let the candle and incense burn all the way out.
Dispose of the water.
So mote it be!

To Take Your Pain Away

1 White Candle and a Crystal.

Light the candle and hold the crystal in-between the palms of your hands.
Ask all the negative energy to leave you into the crystal, then visualize it leaving.
Feel your pain go into the crystal until you no longer feel it anymore.
Put it into a place where no one else can touch it.
If they do your pain will be released into them.
If you want to use this crystal for anything else then pack it in salt for a week to get rid of the negative energies and purify the crystal.

To Help Heal Depression

Light a green candle.
As you gaze into the candles flame for a few moments, try to relax as much as you can and clear all your thoughts from your mind.
Visualize the Mother Goddess sitting in front of you.
Listen for a few moments to hear if she has any words of encouragement for you.
Visualize her next hugging you and holding you as you rock gently back and forth from side to side easing away your pain and sorrow.
Another good idea if your suffering from chronic depression is to see a therapist of some sort.
Dealing with your problems and sometimes just talking about it helps too.
(but if your talking to someone who is chronically depressed try not to say anything at all negative about anything, just listen and be as supportive as you can.)

To Protect from Nightmares

Fill a small pillow with anis seeds, dragon's blood (the herb!), and lavender
place the pillowcase under your pillow when you go to sleep.
Ask the Celtic Goddess, Mare (Mah-re) the bringer of dreams to only bring you nice dreams.

Locating Lost Items

This is a very simple spell, all you have to do is say it when you cant find something. It has always worked for me. Maybe it will work for you.

"Bound and binding,

Binding Bound,

see the sight, hear the sound,

what was lost is now found,

Bound and Binding,

Binding Bound.

Purifying Emotions

This spell is to be preformed on any evening during the waning moon.
Place these things in front of you.
A white candle,
a bowl of water,
and a bowl of salt.
Dried sage in a vessel in which it can be burned.

Say Aloud:
I gather these elements to cleanse any toxicity that may cloud my ability to flow of this cycle.
I release negativity in my fire (Wave your hand over or through the flame)
I release Blockages in my earth (rub salt on your hands)
I clear my own air (wave the smoldering sage in front of you)
and I purify my water (dip your hands in the water)
I ask that this release be gentle.
I affirm my trust and faith in my own abundant flow.
so mote it be!

Dispose of the ingredients immediately.
Use the candle again for another waning moon spell.

How to Become Calm and Centered

Make your magick more effective by building emotional and psychic intensity and focusing clearly on your goal.

You will need a very smooth and round stone smaller then your fist, and some soothing relaxing music.

Cast the circle fully and call the quarters.
Take this spell seriously, and it will open the door in the effectiveness of your future studies.
Sit while holding the stone and listen to the music in a quiet room at home, or in the outdoors if the weather is nice.
Breath deeply and rhythmically.
Begin inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose with a long steady humming note.
While each exhalation, make the note smooth and draw it out longer.
Breath your tension and anxiety in the stone.
When you feel calm and centered, put the stone on the ground, open the circle, and walk away.
The stone will dissipate the tension into the earth to be transuded; if you wish, you can retrieve the stone in a day or 2 for later use.

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