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An aura is the energy field that surrounds living things and rocks as well, everyone has an aura. The aura will vary in size, shape, and color from person to person depending on their health, mood, or environment.

"Have You Ever Experienced the Auric Energy Field?"

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you have experienced the interplay of an outside energy field upon your own aura.

1.When you are around some people do you feel drained?

2.Do you associate certain colors with people? (i.e. "You always seem like a blue person to me

3.Have you ever felt when someone was staring at you?

4.Have you ever had an instant liking or disliking for someone?

5.Have you ever been able to sense how someone is feeling, in spite of how this person was acting?

6.Have you ever been able to sense another person's presence before you actually heard or saw this person

7.Do certain sounds, colors, or fragrances make you feel more comfortable or uncomfortable?

8.Do electrical storms (thunderstorms) make you nervous and edgy?

9.Do you find that some people excite or energize you more than others?

10.Have you ever walked into a room and tightened up, fidgeted, or felt angry? Do some rooms make you want to stay? Leave?

11.Have you ever ignored or shoved aside a first impression of someone, only to find that it bears itself out eventually?

12.Are some rooms more comfortable and enjoyable to be in than others? Do you notice the difference in one room to the next? Did you ever notice how your brother's/sister's feel different from yours? How about your parents' or children's?"

How Do You See the Aura?

It is actually quite simple to see an aura if you do it correctly. The easiest way to see an aura is have a subject (a friend) stand up against a white wall. Make sure the lighting in the room is slightly dim. Then stand far enough from your subject so that you can see their entire body, from head to toe. Look closely at your subject, trace the edge of his/her form (especially around their head and shoulders) with your eyes. Don't look directly at your subject, look past him/her. You should be able to, if you're doing this correctly, see a fuzzy gray/white area around the outline of your subject. If you're seeing this then you are seeing their aura! If you're not seeing this, rest your eyes for a moment and try again. Once you have practiced this enough, you may be able to make out colors in your subject's aura. The following chart tells what these colors could, but not necessarily, mean.

Color Meaning

what they mean to me, they may mean different things to you, like blue to me may mean loyal, whereas blue to you may mean sad)

Colors Meanings
Red: Strong energy, fire, primal creative force, life promoting energy, hot, passion, mind , will, anger, love, hate, unexpected changes, new birth, or transmutation
Orange: Warmth, creativity, emotional, courage, joy, social ness, or an opening of new awareness
Yellow: Optimism, mental activity, new sunshine, new learning opportunities, lightness, wisdom, intellect, power of ideas, or the awakening of psychic abilities
Green: Sensitivity, growing compassion, growth, sympathy, and calmness, reliable, dependable, open-minded, abundance, strength, or friendliness
Blue: Calmness, quietness, devotion, truth, loyalty seriousness, active imagination, good intuition, loneliness, devotion, honesty, or good judgment
Purple: Warmth, transmutation, independence, intuition, dream activity, searching, humility, spirituality, psychic abilities or passion
Pink: Compassion, love, purity, joy, comfort, companionship, immaturity, or truthfulness
Gold: Spiritual energy, devotion, harmony, enthusiasm, inspiration, or revitalizing
White: Truth, purity, cleansing, or an awakening of greater creativity
Gray: Initiation, illumination, intuition, creative imagination, imbalances, or a secretive person
Brown: Earth, new growth, new roots, desire to accomplish, industry, or organization
Black: Protection, imbalance, or drug use
