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Astral Projection

What is Astral Projection?

Astral projection can be one of many things. Usually, it's the art of moving your soul away from your body and traveling with it, although that's a rather poor explanation for it. When traveling, it is said that there is always a sort of silver thread that forever connects you to your body, though to tell you the truth, I’ve never experienced this whole silver thread thing. I don't believe in astral umbilical cords, but this thread is usually kept by people who are afraid that they may not be able to return to their bodies. Your spirit is limitless in this free form. You may take any shape you want, be it a little white ball of light, or Heather Locklier (sorry if the name is misspelled). You may also go wherever you want. even the stars aren't the limit, as you may even travel to uncharted planets, galaxies, and other physical as well as spiritual realms (i.e. Tir-n-an-og ). Explore the different dimensions and enjoy your freedom. I spend a lot of time visiting friends and in tir-n-an-og, the land of the faeries. If you’re ever there drop me a line, I'm usually a fearie myself or my physical body form.

How to do it

Astral projection takes intense concentration *You knew there would be a catch to it didn't ya ;)*. But the weirdest part about this concentration is that you have to fiercely concentrate on not concentrating! Think about nothing! TO have the ability to astral project takes virtually months or years of concentration. I am going to lie this down in steps for you.

1.) You must first understand that, believe it or not, you already have the ability and have actually already astral projected before. Unfortunately, it is rare to remember an experience like this, but if you do it is usually remembered as a strangely realistic dream. I recommend keeping a dream journal to try to recognize patterns, reoccurring dreams ..etc..

2.) Now, a slightly nor difficult step that, if you are an experienced witch, you should already have been practicing-visualization. But just incase, you must first find a quiet spot, somewhere or, if not, turn on some relaxing music * I recommend Enya or Celtic Music* Close your eyes and imagine a simple shape or object, or you may look at a specific object then close your eyes while still seeing the object. That accomplished, you then go to see the object in the material world though it is not really there. People who are accused of seeing things have a special knack for this.

3.) Ok. Now in the same calm atmosphere you must lie down, if you have not already done so, and imagine that when you take a deep breath you are sucking the life and spirit out of your legs and arms. Do this until you have managed to bring your whole spirit into a ball which is usually located near your heart or in your head. Continue practicing this until it seems to come naturally to you and you no longer need to concentrate on it.

4.) Now for the hardest part. Clear your mind of any and all thoughts while gathering up your soul. If you can succeed in clearing your mind, your soul will eventually float up from your body. When doing this be sure to prepare yourself for the thought of seeing your body in a dead-like state. This often causes people to be literally sucked back into consciousness. You may now travel freely.

5.) Do not be afraid, you can’t lose your way. The mere thought of being somewhere will send you there.

Here are some methods help you if you can’t get the hang of it.

Method 1:

1. Relax in a bed or reclining chair.

2. Take deep breaths, allowing your breath to slow naturally. Do not force it to slow down.

3. Induce sensations of "dropping" rapidly through the bed, several "inches" at a time. These must be quick "drops", not slow sinking feelings.

4. Continue until you feel yourself "on the floor" and then rise up again.

5. Allow yourself to drift towards sleep, pulling yourself back each time... but do NOT physically move your body. You should being feeling very heavy.

6. As you drift towards sleep, you will see images. Use these images or create your own to focus on and stay aware.

7. Soon you will feel vibrations. These are mild and you must remain passive.

8. Visualize yourself floating above your body and feeling the "drops". As soon as you have left your body, you will know, mostly at first by the following sensation followed by a temporary "blindness" and lightweight feeling.

Method 2:

1. Relax in a bed or reclining chair.

2. Take deep breaths, allowing your breath to slow naturally. Do not force it to slow down.

3. Find an object to focus on, one that is easily visible without having to turn your head too much. Some examples would be small statuettes, stuffed animals, a small mirror, a piece of fruit (apple, orange), a flower, a book, etc. Anything that is blue or purple in color makes a good focus point, red is harder to see in dim light.

4. Stare at the object. Focuses on it completely ... do not let your eyes wander.

5. Allow yourself to drift towards sleep. Your eyes will eventually close but you will still be "looking" at the object. You will see it and it should seem almost as if you are looking through your eyelids. At this point, you’re astral and your physical are slightly parted.

6. Imagine slowly floating upward or rolling to the side (without physically doing it).


This will take practice, so give it time! Remember, once you are out, move far away from your body or you may be pulled back in. When you want to return, simply visualize your body and being back in it.
