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Photo Restoration and Repair
Mystery Entertainment (Bed & Breakfast)

Sneak Peek

Deception of Innocence

It was a clear crisp morning as Heather opened the french doors to the balcony. Glancing down at her arms, she stared at the faded brusis. Three weeks had passed since the assualt was made on her life. The same question plagued her mind, was Claire still out there somewhere waiting for another chance to kill her? A shiver coursed through her body. Dwelling on the past only upset her more. Duncan promised he would do everything possible to end this nightmare once and for all.

Deadly Vengeance

The phone rang, Steve pushed the speaker button down, "Detective Marks here." "Here's the information you wanted Steve. It seems like your Detective Robins's doesn't exist." "What! Can you repeat that Sarah?" "I said your Detective Robins's doesn't exist anymore. Is that all you needed Steve?" "That will do for now Sarah, thanks." Just then Eric came out of the evidence room, "Did I hear her right? Detective Robins's doesn't exist." Then who is Alexis?" Eric questioned. "I don't know, but I intend to find out tonight," Steve replied frowning.

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