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"People come and go so quickly here" . Dorthy said that in the Wizard of Oz. It occurs to me that Oz isn't the only place people come and go quickly. Right here where we are, everyone runs around like they don't have enough time to do whatever it is they're doing. I think maybe if people moved slower they'd live longer. That's just my opinion though. Hey, it's me Loni. About the time somebody else greets you here lemme know cause that means somebody broke into my page. Anyway we got some new links check out my pictures, all modesty aside, they're awesome... as always, sign the guest book, drop me an email if you got any questions. Be happy, or at least, try to be. I'll be updating soon so check back! Loni PS... all pictures on this webpage were created by me, myself, and I. ....... ........

Check out the rest of my page!

Muh pictures... muh creations... muh babies.... They're awesome
Funny quotes. (Some of my personal favorites)
A poem
Another poem
I'm sure we all feel this way sometimes (Bloodhound Gang lyrics)
More then you need to know about me
