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Geoff's Pagan Page

(La Página de Geoff)

(Clár Cinn Geoff)

Providing Pagan Web Resources For Over 10 Years

Check out Geoff's Pagan Bookstore for good Pagan books from a reliable source.


Okay, here's the explanation. I began this webpage back in the 90's. In around 2000 I lost my email account and forgot my password. In September of 2005, I remembered the password. I have a lot to update, I have already removed a couple hundred dead links, but I am working on making this the best Pagan links list on the web like it was back in the 90's. Sorry for being gone so long

A listing of Pagan groups by state is under way. You can see the list by state right now, but it is still incomplete, as is the international list.

The same rules apply though. If I notice that you have linked to my site, I will make your link bold. If you are already listed and link to my site then post to my guestbook and I can make your listing bold or whatever colour you wish.

Beginning in November of 2005, the Iowa Pagan Census has begun. This is an attempt to get a general count of Pagans in Iowa, as well as basic demographic info. If you are a Pagan in Iowa, please fill out a form. No names or other information which can be used to identify individuals will be publically released from this census.

Here are some good Pagan, Celtic, and other interesting links.

This month's suggestions

  • Samhain Gathering (Iowa Festival)

    Past months' suggestions

  • Pagan Federation of Ireland (one of Europe's largest Pagan groups)
  • Museum of Witchcraft (Boscastle, Cornwall, UK)
  • Oh My Gods (Pagan comic strip)
  • The Iowa Pagan Census
  • Silver Moon Health Services (based in New Mexico)
  • CELT - Corpus of Electronic Texts (Irish historical, literary, and political works)
  • Hindu Vedic Scriptures
  • The Pagan Library
  • Circle Sanctuary Pagan group in Wisconsin
  • I Still Worship Zeus, Official site for the documentary on Pagans facing discrimination in modern day Greece
  • Witches' Voice, Pagan news, personals, group listings, etc. (Witches' Voice sponsorships through October 31 went to Katrina relief)
  • Avalon Cares, Make a donation to a Pagan-run charity.

    My pages

  • About This Site
  • List of Famous Modern Pagans
  • Suggested Reading List (REALLY old version, I'll find a more recent one soon)
  • UU Minister Arrested for Defending Paganism
  • ABC's of NeoPagandom
  • Pagan Proverbs
  • Pagan Light Bulb Jokes
  • Meaning of the word witch
  • History of Witchcraft in England
  • The Wiccan Rede
  • Are There Any Dead Animals in the Soup? (Pagan Manners)

    Pagan Calendars of Events

  • New York City Pagan Resource Guide (has local and non-local calendar of events)
  • IPAN calendar
  • Cedar Rapids, IA Pagan Calendar

    Pagan Online Magazines/Newspapers

  • Obsidian Magazine
  • Pagan Muse and World Report
  • The Weaver
  • Connections
  • White Dragon Magazine
  • Center of the Circle Pagan Magazine
  • Widdershins
  • The Hazelnut
  • The Green Egg Magazine
  • SisterSpirit
  • Crossroads
  • The Virtual Pomegranate
  • PanThology
  • NeoPagan Times
  • Weavings (Newsletter of the Iowa Pagan Access Network)

    Pagan Online Schools/Classes

  • Sacred Goddess College
  • Witch School (Correllian)

    College Pagan Groups

    Click Here For Links And Email Addresses Of College Pagan Groups

    Pagan Scholarships

  • Pagan Scholarship Fund
  • Maypole Joe, Scholarship for New York Pagans
  • Sacred Waters Karma Award
  • Fly By Night Bookstore Scholarships
  • Free Spirit College Scholarship (Two $500 college scholarships)
  • The Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship ($3,000 scholarship for those studying psychic phenomena)
  • International Shinto Foundation Essay Contest ($1,000, $500, and $300 awards)
  • Carolina Spirit Quest Scholarship (Temporarily suspended?)
  • Pagan Alliance of Nurses Nursing Scholarship ($200)

    Pagan Links Pages

  • A really good Pagan Resources page
  • Sunwyn's Page
  • Medea's Chariot
  • Yahoo Wicca Links
  • Yahoo Pagan Links.
  • Good Wiccan links page
  • Vanessa's Links
  • Links to info on medicinal plants

    Pagan/Occult Search Engines

  • Avatar Search
  • iPagan Search
  • Web Weaver
  • UFO Seek: UFO & Paranormal Search Engine (wide selection of Pagan listings)

    Pagan Songs

  • Cern's Pagan Songbook online (lyrics and chords)


  • The Principia Discordia page, the great book of the Discordians
  • Discordianism Page

    Wicca and Paganism in Africa

  • Email for info about the Pagan Federation of South Africa

    Pagan Fonts and Graphics

  • Ogham Font (Beth Luis Nion)
  • Curtis Clarks Pagan Fonts (Ogham, Elder Futhark, Mycenaean, Moon Phases, Woolbats)
  • Thundrune's Free Font Downloads (Runes, Ogham, etc.)
  • Arien Graphics
  • Firesilk's Pagan Graphics
  • Hairfish Graphics: Free Pagan Art
  • Robin Wood's Free Pagan Graphics
  • Gilded Serpent Free Web Graphics

    Pages of Well-Known Pagans

  • Wicca na hErin, Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone's Home Page
  • Isaac Bonewits Homepage
  • Starhawk's Web Page

    Pagan Census Efforts

  • Iowa Pagan Census (Active)
  • Scottish Census Results (Completed)
  • Pagan Census Yahoo! Group Database (Active)
  • The Pagan Census (Completed)
  • Pagan Voter Census (Active???)
  • Voices From The Pagan Census (Book)

    Outreach, Legal Aid, and Religious Rights

  • Iowa Pagan Access Network
  • Military Pagan Network
  • Covenant Of The Goddess
  • Officers of Avalon(Pagan law enforcement agents and other emergency service professionals)

    Pagan Charities and Support Groups

    I will vouch for Avalon Cares & Crescent Moon, but as this time don't know about the other groups, so please use caution.
  • Avalon Cares (Disaster relief)
  • Silver Moon Health Services
  • Pacific Magical Community Project
  • Pagan Aid Alliance
  • Robin Hood's Community Center Group in Northern Kentucky
  • Ohio Pagan Aid
  • Witch Niche Relief Fund
  • Crescent Moon Service Corps
  • Diana's Grove Dog and Puppy Rescue (Salem, MO)
  • Spiral Steps Various support groups (Santa Clara, CA)
  • Pagan Sanctum Recovery Pagan 12 step programs (Tulsa, OK)
  • Minnesota PAAGANS Pagan AA (Minneapolis, MN)
  • Blue Oak Grove Runs a soup kitchen (Montreal, QC)
  • Pagan Pantry, food bank which delivers. Email or call 417-865-6902 (Springfield, MO)
  • The Coalition of Earth Religions for Education and Support Food bank, clothing bank, emergency financial aid (Asheville, NC)

    African and African-based Religions

  • OrishaNet:Santeria

    Pagan Online Stores, Catalogs, etc *NEW*

    Please realise that I can not guarantee the safety of your money in the hands of the dealers below. These are, however, ones which I have heard to be trustworthy.
  • Equinox Books
  • Wicca Works
  • Serpentine Music
  • PoTO

    Real World Stores & Festival Merchants

  • The Wishing Realm (Cedar Rapids, IA store that hits many midwest festivals)
  • Panpipes The nation's oldest occult store, formerly owned by Fairuza Balk

    Pagan Parenting & Homeschooling

  • Pagan Parenting Page
  • Raising Spiritual Kids
  • Pagan Homeschool Page
  • Pagan and Wiccan Parenting Page
  • Iowa Pagan Parents
  • Spiral Scouts A Pagan scout group

    Other Pagan Pages

  • Pagan 1000
  • Aradia's Dianic Page
  • Libation
  • ACCA & ADDA on the Web
  • Red Deer and Elenya's Page
  • Blackthorn Grove
  • Yule Page!
  • Moonleaf's Page
  • Elfy's Pagan Page
  • The Scorpio Den
  • Joan's Witch Directory
  • Undernet #Wicca Page
  • Kent and Kat's Page
  • Online Tarot
  • Neopagan archive at Lysator
  • The Morrigan's Pagan links
  • The Green Pages
  • Pagan WebWeaving Page
  • The Mead Maker's Page
  • Auction Witch, Pagan Auction Site
  • Mama Rose's Kitchen
  • Sabrina's Page
  • Universal Life Church
  • Oak, Ash, and Thorn
  • Henge of Keltria
  • IMBAS (Celtic Reconstructionists)

    Prejudice on the internet:

  • A Halloween site with completely inaccurate info
  • Wicca: Intoxicated by Christian Blood (This is actually a parody, so don't complain)
  • Anti-Santería Lies
  • Fundamentalist Christian Anti-Wiccan info
  • Page containing info about a modern Witchcraft trial

    Cool Bands

  • Six Mile Bridge Web Page (A Celtic Band)[Correction, the BEST Celtic Band]
  • Caledonia, a Goth band with a Wiccan vocalist
  • Inkubus Sukkubus (Listed here since 1995, long before they made it big!)
  • Point Of Ares
  • Pagan Rock Bands
  • Celia

    I will add any good Pagan webpages to my site if you post the URL in my guestbook. If you add a link to my site from yours I will make the link to your page stand out more than the others.

    To find more Pagan info, you can telnet to DU MOO and login by typing 'co guest' (without the '). To get to the Pagan info rooms type '@go #17349'

    My name is Geoff Johnson and I am a 27 year old Pagan who has been practicing a Pagan religion for many years. I grew up in Iowa City, where I was involved in the River City Pagan Community and the Iowa Pagan Access Network. I currently live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where I am a member of the Cedar Rapids Pagan Community, though I still remain involved in IPAN and other Pagan groups.

    Currently, my Pagan activities involve preparing for the Iowa Pagan Census, teaching classes on Paganism, Celtic History, Irish Gaelic, etc. and even doing Scottish Ale tastings at The Wishing Realm. I am also working on writing a book, which I had intended to be finished by now, but life in general as well as problems with the potential publisher have delayed this a bit.

    My Friends' Web Pages
  • Audra's Page

    The awards page has been removed, quite simply because this page has won so many, that I removed the awards to make room for other, more important things.

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    Last Updated January 29, 2006
    This web page was provided by Angelfire Communications.
    The material on this page are the responsibility of its author, not Angelfire Communications.
