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Desert Biome

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. Desert regions are areas of extreme heat and dryness. Deserts are also called arid regions. Deserts usually receive ten inches of rain a year. Since there is a lack of moisture, desert plants are usually drought-tolerant. The drought-tolerant features are light colored leaves, small leaves, thick leaves, waxy leaves, large root system and water storage system. The animals that live in the desert are usually light colored and blend in will with their surroundings. Since it is hot during the day the desert animals are usually more active at night or around dusk and dawn. During the day, the desert animals often find a place to escape from the heat. They hide out under rocks or in burrows. Most deserts have not changed that much in a thousand years. Although, many human activities caused the desert area to expand. The expansion may have occured because of the loss of fertile land on the boarders of some areas. It is estimated that people destroy millions of acres of land every year. The major cause is the over- grazing of livestock. Some other causes are mining, improper farming methods, and the destruction of trees. There has been some steps in preventing further desert expansion. Trees have been planted in some desert regions to reduce the wind. Improving farming methods and limiting the amount of livestock in the desert region will also help the desert expansion. Some areas which we now call "deserts" were actually grasslands. The grasslands were killed by grazing. A smaller number of acres have been cleared to build towns, cities, and to establish irrigated farmlands. I think that the desert is worth preserving because the animals that live there are only adapted to that environment. The desert is also worth preserving for our future generations so they will know what a desert is and looks like.
