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Zelda 64

Quest 64



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Quest 64

This page contains cheats, hints, and pictures for Quest 64

Quest 64 is about a little guy named Brian who goes around casting spells, fighting and doing other cool stuff. Brian and his friends are able to summon upon the elements earth, air, wind and fire. This 90mg contains over 100 characters.

The Story

Lord Bartholomy has been missing since he left the monastery a month ago. He was looking for the missing book. The Lord's son, Brian, sets out to find him. Rejection what the Grand Abbot of the monastery had told him he heads out to the Imperial court of King Scottfort in Dondoran.

What it's happens

Brian will encounter seven cities, meet more then 100 characters and can find more then 200 items. In this game money is usually not a problem. The inns are for free, the shopkeepers give him stuff.


Most of the scenery will be done by texture maps which are good because the won't slow the frame rate and they still keep it looking real. In battle the effects really start to kick in with soaring flames, iridescent arrows, tumbling boulders, giant water spouts and other amazing effects.