A Brief Introduction to the Berean Inquirer

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The Berean Inquirer

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"Confronting Theology & Practice With
the Lordship of Jesus Christ"

Acts 17:10-11    1st Thess. 5:19-22

A Brief Introduction to The Berean Inquirer

The Berean Inquirer is a service for those who have been marked off by the love of God, with a view toward challenging the doctrines and traditions of modern Evangelicalism with the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The primary criteria for material on this web site are that they must:  First, honor the Lord Jesus as the Anointed One, the Mediator of the New and Everlasting Covenant (which, historically, He inaugurated with His own life-blood), and; Second, edify the saints in the inward man.  Obviously, this means that the content of material used by The Berean Inquirer must respect the Word of God as revealed in the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments.

My primary intentions for the Berean Inquirer are as follows:

To sum up these concerns, the Berean Inquirer exists to call the Lord's people back to the Gospel of the kingdom that He Himself proclaimed on this earth.

For the most part, the articles and essays you find at The Berean Inquirer will not be light reading. There is enough fluff in the world, and far too much in the realm of what passes for Christian literature. Rather, the literature you find here is more likely to give careful consideration to the Scriptures, taking seriously its authority over the saints and the assemblies. Many of the essays may be quite lengthy, even. Unless there is a copyright notice given on a particular essay (which would only be the case if The Berean Inquirer is not the copyright holder and the original publisher requests the notice), please feel free to print out the essays you find here, so you can give it further consideration at a later time.

I do not charge for any of my essays, nor do I ask for financial support. The things you find here are provided to you free of charge. You may feel free to redistribute copies of articles from this site as long as the following conditions are met:

If you would like to write me, my e-mail address may be found at the bottom of this page, as well as at the bottom of every page of the Berean Inquirer.  As my desire is to make this site as factually accurate and technically correct as possible, as well as to keep it as professional looking and as pleasant as possible (aside from the aspects of the gospel that are intrinsically offensive to the natural mind), I would appreciate it if you would please e-mail me with any problems or errors you observe.  You may vent, too, but if you are not going to back up your reactions with Scripture and palpably credible reasoning or other substantive evidence, you may receive little or no response from me (those lame accusations that I have never had an intimate experience with the Lord, which some modern-day agnostics enjoy using to dress up their ignorance of the mind of Christ as intimacy with Him, simply do not cut it as a thoughtful, much less a spiritual, response).

If you are a Christian writer, and would like to donate an article or essay, especially one that fits in well with one of the areas of concern listed at the beginning of this page, send me a description of what you have in mind. Be sure and include your e-mail address. Unsolicited articles may be considered, as well, but I won't guarantee it.

That our Lord Jesus Christ will use the ministry of the Berean Inquirer to provide comfort and strength and knowledge and wisdom, to all who seek to honor Him, is my prayer.  May the Lord bless us all, as we strive to know Him in the obedience of His will.

Ian A. Paul, Ed.
The Berean Inquirer

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