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Gorean links .

If you would like your page listed here , please feel free to e-mail your link to

The link will be added as soon as I recieve it , please only submit links of a Gorean Nature , do not submit Pornographic sites or anything of an offensive nature , and please dont submit links for commercial or advertising sites .

The Pal-U-Drin Paga Tavern at SOI To access the Pal-U-Drin ,enter your name and password(its a free site), then type paludrin in the findbox and it will take you to the tavern)

The Steel Quiva Tavern #Steel Quiva Tavern, nestled in the heart of Ar. Please make yourself at home, sit back enjoy the soft music of the dancing kajirae and the warmth of the fine beverages, food and hospitality. We can be found in IRC on dalnet.

A Beginners Guide to Gor An excellent guide for people new to Gor , one of the best I have seen .

Eden - A Gorean slave. Gor from a slave's point of view. A nice set of stories, dances, classes and links included.

The Savage Barrens at Fantasy Castle Another excellent Chat Site , run by Itancanka Hci and his inahan , mesoké (Hci)

BDSMCafe Gorean links A selection of Gorean links here, along with BDSM resources.BDSM Cafe

Lord Rambros Gorean links Here is one of the most comprehensive "links" pages dedicated to the gorean philosophy.

Site updated 01/05/99

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