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Z...............I...............F...............F...............ahhhhh ZIFF! We're strong, we're strong, we're strong as steel; And you'd better be prepared to feel; the power, the strength of the People of Ziff. And it's going down, something like this: Ziff! Ziff! Ziff! Ziff! Ziff! Ziff! Ziff! Ziff! Ziffidy Doo Da, Ziffidy Ay. Ziff are the best people of the day. Huh! Ziffidy Doo Da, Ziffidy Ay. Ziff are the best people of the day. Ziff!

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Hey hey hey, it's me again. Rachelle sent me some pictures today, so I added them to the pics page. I also added our group shots to the addresses site. LOL Adam looks great in us guys's group shot...I think you all will enjoy it! :0) I had an idea to put the schedule for the week up on here, how does that sound to y'all? I don't know about you but it would help me to remember the great times that we had! Well that's about it, I'll talk to you guys lata. Ziff for life!
Howdy! Guess what, I finally got some pix up today, you all can thank Erin for that one. They're a lot of fun to check out! lol You should go look at them right now! That's about all the news for right now, but don't you worry, I'll be back later. Peace out playas!
Yo Yo Yo! lol What's up Ziffers? I decided today that the website needs a new look and some new "attractions", although exactly what i'm not sure yet. Rachelle and Melody had the idea that I should put the lyrics to the song that we sang to the ladies on here, and I don't think that's such a bad idea. One of you fine Daughters of Zion needs to send me the words to your all's song as well, just to be fair. If anyone has any ideas of any other cool stuff that I should put on here, just let me know! I got the Chat Room and Message Board up as well, in case anyone hasn't noticed yet. How's the Cedar Point trip comin? Let's make that work, everyone has to be there! lol Have a good one everybody.
Hey guys, what's goin on? What a great week we had, eh? You guys are the coolest, thanks for being such a good example to me. I just got an idea to make this page so that we can all keep in touch easily. We ARE strong as steel! So let's stay that way. I'm going to try and put a lot of cool things on here so that we can stick together: chat room, message board, pictures...whatever seems like a good idea at the time. Anybody that wants to help out or send in pictures or whatever just let me know. I could definitely use the help!
-- Justin --

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