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Dolny Kubin - Orava region

Small quiet town lying in a magnificent mountainous woodland of Northern Slovakia

VVPG - Back to Main Hall

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Panorama of a newer neighbourhood - Bysterec (from Kuzminovo hill)
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Bysterec (Na Sihoti St.)
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Orava river and Kuzminovo hill
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Wooden Bridge over Orava river
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Martin Kukucin's Park
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Hotel Park - Radlinskeho St.
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Hviezdoslavovo Sq.
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Hviezdoslavovo Sq.
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Hviezdoslavovo Sq.
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Hviezdoslavovo Sq.
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Historical Cemetery with buried
many famous poets, writers,
revolutionaries, musicians, chroniclers,...
from the Slovak history - P.O. Hviezdoslav,
J. Matuska, L.N. Jege, T. Florin, S. Novak, and others
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Orava Gallery - Florin's House
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Evangelic Church - Hviezdoslavovo Sq.
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P.O. Hviezdoslav - Hviezdoslavovo Sq.

Recommended Dining & Lodging:
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Restaurant & Pension Marina - Hviezdoslavovo Sq.
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Hviezdoslav's Restaurant & Pension - Hviezdoslavovo Sq.

When you visit Dolny Kubin, don't miss Orava Gallery (est. 1965) situated in historical building of The County Hall, Hviezdoslavovo Sq. You will find there a suberb collection of old art from the 15th to the 19th centuries, orthodox Greek, Russian and Ukrainian Icons, Slovak creative art in the 20th century, Traditional folk art, The Mária Medvecká collection - Painter of Orava and many more in the permanent and seasonal exhibitions.
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All the greatest pieces from a collection are published in the official collection brochure, which is available on the sale at Gallery visitor's desk.

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And a pround of Kubin - The Accordion Orchestra AMANDOLO, which has started in January 1993 at the Music school of Peter Michal Bohun in Dolný Kubín as a brainchild of Viera Vrtichová, its current art manager and conductor. Nowadays there are 39 members of the orchestra. The number of the orchestra members varies from year to year, depending on the number of the students of the school playing accordion. There are also synthesizer, bass guitar, drums and percussion, flute and piano players among the members of the orchestra.

More about Dolny Kubin:
Dolny Kubin - city map
Slovakia - Heart of Europe
P.O. Hviezdoslav
More about Slovakia
The Slovak Spectator
Slovak Heritage

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VVPG - Back to Main Hall

No. of visitors since July 25 2003

Equipment used: Canon PowerShot A10 & A60