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Zuberec - museum of Orava village

Open air museum (Skanzen) of Orava's village lies in Zuberec
under the majestic mountains of West High Tatras - Rohace,
surrounded by nature untouched by civilization.

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Museum consist of A) Low Orava part (Dolnooravský rínok),
B) Zamagurie street (Zamagurská ulica), C) Gorals' lonely houses (Goralské lazy),
D) churchyard (cintorín, kostol) and a E) mill (mlynisko)
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From the courtyard:
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From the croft:
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At a visit in house:
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Little P.O.Hviezdoslav got lessons of Latin here
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And a short look in a stable:
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The last thing must not forget - choose any local (not China import!) hand-made souvenir:
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Arrrange a fair price of the rig and say good bye to Zuberec village!
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A few more links:
Zuberec Homepage
Zuberec Museum (in Slovak)
North Slovakia Sightings
Wooden Churches in Slovakia

Send your comments and suggestions at:
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No. of visitors since Jun 09 2005

Equipment used: Canon PowerShot A60