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Hi !!! We are so glad that you stopped by. Feel free to relax and look around. 

For now...our site is changing and growing. Please come back often and see our ever changing home. But for now you can click on a link and see if it works yet.

The Smith Family.....Find out all about each of us!!

The Browns......Find out why the Smith house stops on Sundays during Football season.

Ohio........The greatest state in the nation (in our opinion)

Club Foot.......Find out more about this and know that you are not alone!!

Graphics......If you like what you see so far, click on this link


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This page contains original graphics made by Caroline Smith.
These graphics are copyrighted and are for personal use by the maker unless otherwise specified.
Any graphics by any other artist are noted on every page.
Graphics by Caroline © 2001 All Rights Reserved.
(NO right click script obtained at