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Established Friday the 13th of June 1997

Sadly, I am no longer as interested in "Gargoyles" as I once was, but rather then totally take down this section of my realm, I decided to leave it up as an archive of sorts - though a few areas have been deleted. Most likely the pages here will not be updated, unless I get in some type of creative mood and have time to spare. Sorry.


18th February 2001 Thaylog's Tower is now hosted by MadBrook. If you encounter any broken links, please drop an e-mail to Brook
15th July 2001 The tower is now hosted at (no more pop-ups!)


Places To Visit.....

MasterTower Link Image
All about Thailog: Episode overviews, photo galleries - even the "whys" behind his motives and ways.

Erudites Chabmer Link Image
The literary section of the Tower: fanfic, The Gargoyle Saga and the Tower Guest Book.

Hidden Passages Link Image
Little secrets and sections of the Tower: activities, merchandise and colouring book pictures.

Courtyard Image Link
Personal favourites on the Net including other Gargoyle pages and friend's sites.

As of the 31st December 1997 Travelers have Explored This Tower

A Special Thank You to
Flynt, Mia Sara, Lady Payne and Lucy
For Their Friendship & Help

* email * THAILOG'S TOWER * webrings *
* guest book *

  Rodnoi Realm Empire Logo

Thailog & all Gargoyle Characters
used here belong to DISNEY/BUENA VISTA
and are used without permission.