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Sunday 9 June 2002

In aid of Chailey Heritage School

and other local charities

Sponsored by Schering Health Care and the Burgess Hill Festival Association


A brand new T Shirt design free to all advanced bookers!

The tenth Burgess Hill Bike Ride takes place on Sunday 9 June, starting and finishing at the Sussex Enterprise CarPark. Entrants can take either the 20-mile or the 40-mile route through the lovely countryside around our town, from Wineham in the west, south along the foot of the downs from Fulking and out to woodland east to Chailey.

The Burgess Hill Bike Ride is jointly organised by the local members of the Round Table and the Lions. Sponsorship money from the event will be used to support the charity, Chailey Heritage School and other local charities.

Advanced booking costs £6 for adults and £3 for children, aged 12 - 17 who must be accompanied by an adult. For safety reasons we cannot allow children under 12 to participate.  Burgess Hill Round Table and Lions rely on entrants to collect sponsorship money for their charity work. For every £50 sponsorship you raise, your name will be entered in our prize draw to win a mountain bike.


(before booking please read the conditions of entry detailed below)

Registration on the day costs £6 but excludes an event T shirt: these may be on sale on the day.

Your Health


Cycling on the highway is a potentially hazardous activity, and although the organisers will do all they can to make the Bike Ride as safe as possible all riders take part at their own risk. All riders are expected to observe the rules of the Highway Code, to obey the Golden Rules of the Road (included in the Entrants’ Pack sent to each registered rider) and to follow the instructions of the event organisers. Neither the Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath and District Round Table nor the Burgess Hill District Lions Club (or their members and other event organisers) can be held responsible for loss or damage to personal effects, or for death or illness of or injury to any participant, or loss, damage or injury to the general public or their property.

Your Health

Cycling can be strenuous and riders must be in good health and reasonably fit. It is the responsibility of all riders to ensure that they are medically fit to take part in the Bike Ride. If you have a medical condition which may be adversely affected by exercise (particularly a heart condition) or if you are in any doubt about your health you must get clearance from your doctor before participating. If you are not a regular cyclist we recommend that you take a bike ride two or three times a week for several weeks prior to the event, gradually increasing the distance you cycle. All cyclists are advised to wear a suitable cycling helmet.  


For more information concerning the Bike Ride, please email:  

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