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Homer's Biography

(Chi Cheng|Deftones)

All of my life I've enjoyed music, at an early age I listened old stuff like
the Beatles. Later on, I noticed hard rock.
At the age of ten or eleven, I decided I wanted to get an electric guitar. At
first I wanted one so I could make the same sounds those heavy metal
guitarists do, you know, that really fast stuff on the high strings, also known
as solos(actually I just wanted more popularity and people to think I
was cool)... So I never practiced, I just took lessons that didn't even appeal to me. BUT, after about a year I wised up and really got into it.
So I practiced for a couple of years and then heard that some kids needed a bassist for their band. So I took up bass(borrowing one of theirs) and joined their band (accompanied by Adrien, the singer). We had some fun jamming and writing songs. But sadly, it didn't work out, the drummer couldn't really keep a beat, and I felt
uncomfortable being the bassist when I was probably better playing the guitar. So the band broke up, and we went different ways...
BUT, this not about my time with that band, it's about me, this is my bio! I soon heard that the band Illusion featuring Alexander and Alex had broken up. That was good news, I knew that both Alex and Alexander were good musicians. So I first went to Alexander and asked him about starting a band with him, Alex and me... He obviously approved. We then went to Alex and he, too, thought it was a good idea.
When I first started playing the guitar, I thought that bass was boring: few strings, a very low sound, which can barely be heard in songs... But now, while playing with the band, I feel like I'm the root of the music, and that all of the other instruments rely on me.
My bandmates probably think the same thing, but that's how I feel. I always like the simple sound of the bass... I still play
the guitar, it will always be my first instrument. But now i quit guitar lessons, and I'm doing bass lessons... I'm also looking into drums.
