Title:  Adiemus
Author:  Jenn Perry
E-Mail:  jenn7747@yahoo.com
Category:  MSR, MulderAngst
Rating:  PG
Spoilers:  Sein Und Zeit, Closure
Distribution:  Ask me first (I usually say yes )
Disclaimer:  "The X-Files", Dana Scully, Fox Mulder and any other 
character you recognize belong to Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, 
and Fox Television.
Summary:  post-Closure.  Mulder reflects on what he has learned.

Author Beginning Notes:  I've never written a Mulder POV story 
before, so please bear with me.  His character has always been a 
mystery to me (I identify more with Scully), but now I think I 
understand him a little better.  Well, you tell me, feedback is 

It's a long dark highway back the airport, the kind that leaves a 
man dangerously alone with his thoughts.  This man in particular 
has done enough thinking and reasoning for a lifetime, but my mind 
keeps going, keeps puzzling through all the details.

Where do I go from here?  I saw my sister.  For real, I think.  
She was taken from me so long ago, but today I got her back if 
only for a few precious seconds.  I really felt I was hugging her.
I could smell her hair and feel her tiny arms wrap around me.  I 
could hear her breathing.

But that means she is dead.  It's over.  My life's work, my quest, 
my purpose, it's really over.  I found my sister, not in a place 
would have thought to look if not for Amber Lynn LaPierre, but I 
found her.  My last goal has been completed.  So now what?

I've got my closure.  My work here is done.  Or is it?

The conspiracy has been exposed, the Consortium has disbanded, and
now, I found my sister.  CancerMan is still out there, but he 
poses no real threat (although I think Scully really needs to start
locking her doors).  My quest for the truth has now been neatly 
wrapped up in a nice little package.

"You've been really quiet.  Thinking about Samantha?"

Scully's voice quietly invades my thoughts, cautiously as if she's
not sure whether we can talk about this yet.

"Actually no, I wasn't.  I mean, I was, but more as how this is 
affecting me."  

Okay, that sounded a tad narcissistic, but it's the truth.  Now 
that I've found the truth about my sister, there's no reason to 
hold back anything else.  The truth was out there, but now I've 
held it in my arms.  I've embraced the truth and it's time.  The 
day I never thought would come has arrived.  It's time for me to
walk away.  I've found my answers; let someone else worry about 
the rest.  I've lost and found all I need to in this life.

"How IS this affecting you, Mulder?"

I was silent for a moment.  Truth or not, expressing my feelings 
has never been a strong suit.  Oh I put my heart on my sleeve, 
sure, but the reason for that is so that all can see how I 
feel...so I don't have say it myself.  I let people make their own
judgements based on what they see; it's easier that way.  But 
this is Scully -- she sees the heart and she knows what it means.
Now she wants me to say it out loud to her.  She needs to hear it 
as much as she knows I need to say it.  She won't let me take the
coward's way out.

"Did you ever run so fast that you thought your legs would fall 
off?  You know just running because you could, because you were 
young and you had no idea that you weren't supposed to run that 
fast, that you would be sore the next day?"

Scully was silent, her eyes levelly on the road when I looked to 
her for a response.  It's almost as if she knew this was leading 
somewhere. I wasn't dodging her question, just answering it at my 
own pace, in my own way.

"I loved to run when I was a kid.  I'd run everywhere.  The other 
kids would ride their bikes to the beach or to town, but I would 
run.  I loved listening to the wind rush past my ears, making it
impossible to hear anything else.

"It was also something I'd do to ditch Samantha.  She couldn't run
as fast as I could, so when I wanted her to leave me alone, I 
would just start running.  She'd chase me every time, but 
eventually she's give up or her legs would give out.  I'd keep 
going though, flying through all the neighborhoods, through town 
and toward the beach.  I knew I'd be safe from her annoying 
behavior there because Mom wouldn't let her go all the way to the
beach by herself.  At the beach, I would sit out on the end of the 
pier and watch the waves crash, alone with my thoughts, the way I 
liked it.

"Then Samantha was gone and I continued to run.  This time, 
though, there wasn't anyone chasing me besides my own guilt.  I 
would keep looking behind me, hoping to catch a glimpse of my 
sister, but she was never there.  So I stopped running.  I threw 
myself into my school work instead.  I found a new passion and I 
didn't start running again until I started training for the 

"Mulder, what are you trying to say?"

"I think it's time for me to stop running.  The X-Files has always
been my way to put an official stamp on my journey to find my 
sister.  There's no need for me to keep glancing behind me; I can 
stop looking because I found her.  I've reached the end of the 
road.  I'm at the end of the pier and all I want to do now is rest
and watch the waves."

"You're quitting..."

"Because I've found what I set out to find.  My heart's not in it 
anymore.  I've found my Truth.  The only question now for me is 
what about you?  What do you want to do?"

"What are you implying, Mulder?  That we both just quit?  So now 
that you've found your sister, all the mysteries buried in all 
those files, they just stay buried?  This isn't like you Mulder.  
You're not a quitter."

"Scully, I'm almost forty years old.  I've got a one bedroom 
apartment and an obsession to my name.  I'm just thinking that 
maybe I need to stop looking for what isn't there and start 
concentrating on what is.  Like you, for example."

Scully turned her head slightly, giving me an inquisitive look 
before returning her attention to the wheel.  We were approaching 
the airport and it's a tricky exit.

"I'm not saying I want to shut down the X-Files and become a porn 
star.  I'm just saying I need to move on with my life, with you."

"Mulder, you're not making any sense.  You just keep talking in 
the same damn circle.  What the hell are you trying to say?"

"Scully, you want to go to Disneyland?  I think we've earned a 

To her credit, Scully gave me the traditional "You have lost your 
mind" look before easing the car onto the on-ramp, following the 
signs marked Anaheim.

The End

Author's Ending Notes:
Okay, that was not how I expected to end this, but I think it 
worked ok.  Believe it or not, I got the running idea from an 
episode of Friends (no copyright infringement meant there either).
The title came from a group by that name who perform a song by 
that name which sounds a lot like the Moby music from the dream 
sequences.  I know this is not the best post-Closure story out 
there, but it's my best attempt, so let me know what you think.  
As always, the address is:  jenn7747@yahoo.com