Sheila's Dream House, Scrapbook of Memories
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To My


I am just terrible about putting pictures into photo albums. I've photographs that are years old sitting around loose all over the place. This website, however, allows me to keep my memorabilia in order and share with you. This section of the site is my scrapbook. 

First off I make and sell decorative gourds. Please pay a visit to New Discoveries Network, and order a gourd for your home. Now there. My commercial announcement. 

This little chubby checks darling is the daughter of my daughter's girl friend. Surprisingly, I found that the little girl's great-aunt is a soro, and good friend of mine. Talk about small world. Paeya (sp) lives in El Paso, Texas, and was on hand to give me a hand in packing when I moved from my apartment to my dream house. 

Here is my daughter, Lisa. sitting on the sun porch patio.


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Rose and I visiting Ollie's during her visit.

Click Here For Rose's Page

Click Here For Rose's Visit

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