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The Skinner Hompage

Thanks for stopping by. You've stumbled unto our homepage or pages. Together we make three...Tami, William and Angelina. Pictures can be found on each of our pages. We're a close knit family and enjoy many outdoor activities. We are often seen backpacking the hill's and backwoods of Northern Michigan. We do a lot of geocaching as well as swimming, biking and goofing around. Living in the Upper Penninsula has taught us of the broad range of family values found in small towns and that you need a heavy coat in the winter. We're surrounded by beauty on all sides, from the great lakes to the hardwood forests.

These pages are always under construction so stop by any time for updates and new pictures of the kids.


In May of 2004 Angelina almost died because of a space heater. Please if any of you out there have small NOT use these heaters in their room. All it takes is just one nite that you are exhausted and forget to check the gauge. In our case it is estimated that the heat in her room reached around 150 degrees during the 12 hours she was in there sleeping. We are very lucky and she has made a complete recovery with no brain damage but you might not be so lucky. I don't want any mother to ever have to experience what I did the morning I found her. Please remember that even if the room is cold they may get sick but will be alive in the morning to recover. My grandmother assures me that they survived even with snow sifting in through the cracks in the ceiling.

A special thank you to all the people who were praying for her. God answered our prayers.

Some links to visit

Tami page
The extended family and more of the Baby
Little monsters at work!!
Asperger Syndrome