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Before Myst there was...

In 1989, I first stumbled across a whimsical world known, not D'ni, not Myst...The Manhole. It was a brilliant use of Hypercard by a whole passle of folks who all seemed to be named R--- Miller. My Mac SE is retired, but I still have the original files. They work just fine on my G4 Titanium, apart from the animations outracing the soundfiles by about 20 to 1. So may I present to you a glimpse of Cyan... the early days.

LEGAL NOTICE: All ManholeTM images and text ©Cyan, Inc. All rights reserved. Myst ® and Manhole ®, Cyan, Inc

What else would grow from a manhole?

And who better to live in a fire hydrant?

Ah, rifling through dresser drawers... you never know what you'll find in them.
Blue pages? Brightly-colored rolls of fabric? No, sorry, this is the days of B&W.

Linking Books

Ah, but the books on Rabbit's shelf are special: The Wind in the Willows, Winnie the Pooh, and look-- Narnia!
Let's open this one and read it. My goodness... the picture moves...

and if you touch it...

I think I'm in love with these guys.

Obviously this is the same type of Linking Book as the Red and Blue books.
You can turn around and see out of the Linking Panel!

Sunken Ships

We all remember the wonderful sunken ship in Myst. Well, look here.

What a nice picture. But don't touch!Whoops! It sank!

Let's jump in!

Bonjour, Mr. Turtle.

There are all sorts of interesting and surreal things in the boat. But I don't have time to show them. Here's one, at least. (But you can't imagine what's in the upper righthand drawer).

This keyboard looks strangely familiar...


Watch out, RAWA!

...And the Utterly Surreal

A gondola ride winds up in unexpected places. This, and Rand doing the voiceover for Mr. Rabbit, are my favorite things in the game. (He does have Atrus' eyebrows, doesn't he?)

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