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Welcome to my web site!

As you can see this site is still under construction very much. But now I have created my first two pages. Click here for Music Morsels & My Radio Dial Soon I will put some of my diary entries that tell about my experiences in life. Look, I know this background is gay but once I really start putting my mind to this site, you will be amazed, I guarantee it. Any comments, suggestions, or questions please e-mail me at

But everyone who's viewing this site, please bear with me since I am working on two web sites at once. This one and another one at

If you love the radio as much as I do then please do me this favor. Tons of streaming internet stations from all over the United States are going off due to that dumb Recording Industry Association of America. The high additional fees for streaming online have not yet been determined, but I want each person who's reading this to email the president: Hilary B. Rosen at and tell her you insist that they allow radio stations to play their music programming on their websites for you without additional charge so that you can enjoy great music from your favorite stations!

Ladies and gentlemen, maybe once again these stations will resume their internet streaming. But it's not a sure thing unless you give in your support and complain! Martin Luther King stopped segregation and got blacks their rights, we can do the same thing with streaming! Please show your support!!