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"For pottage and puddings and custards and pies,
Our pumpkins and parsnips are common supplies,
We have pumpkins at morning and pumpkins at noon,
If it were not for pumpkins we should be undoon."

~ Pilgrim verse ~
circa 1630

Thanksgiving Love
Cute Thanksgiving Chick
(a wee bit of humor to keep your
Thanksgiving from becoming too
serious and stodgy!!)
The Pilgrims' Journey

The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving

Our Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Proclamations:

First & Oldest ~ 1676

George Washington ~ 1789

Abraham Lincoln ~ 1863

Fall & Thanksgiving Gifts

from Southern Sisters

Leaves of Autumn
MeMa's Holiday House ~ Table of Contents

MeMa's Holiday 


Happy Thanksgiving SiteRing
This Happy Thanksgiving SiteRing
is owned by
MeMa's Holiday House.
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Midi  "We Gather Together"
  by Margi Harrell

"We Gather Together"  is used with permission
and is copyright ©2000 LLERRAH Inc. 

Please visit Margi's gallery of music
She also has CD's for purchase
