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.These beautiful roses were a gift from my husband
on Mother's Day
As a Memorial to my mother, Jeraldine Cullen Rhea, I  would like to share the words of her favorite song

this was truly the way her life was lived,
for "Others"

1.  Lord, help me live from day to day
     In such a self-forgetful way
     That even when I kneel to pray
     My prayer shall be for -- Others.

2.  Help me in all the work I do
     To ever be sincere and true
     And know that all I'd do for You
     Must needs be done for -- Others.

3.  Let "Self" be crucified and slain
     And buried deep;  and all in vain
     May efforts be to rise again,
     Unless to live for -- Others.

4.  And when my work on earth is done,
     And my new work in heav'n's begun,
     May I forget the crown I've won,
     While thinking still of -- Others.


     Others, Lord, yes, others,
     Let this my motto be,
     Help me to live for others,
     That I may live like Thee.

     Dec. 5, 1912 - Nov. 21, 1993
     Jeraldine Cullen Rhea


Words Copyright  by C. D. Meigs 
Music Copyright , 1917  by Presbyterian Committee of Publication
Elizabeth McE. Shields

.Midi "Others" 
being played by Margi Harrell
is used with permission
and is copyright © 2001 LLERRAH Inc.

~ Thank you Margi for this wonderful rendition ~
It brings back so many wonderful memories...
 I can still hear my mother singing this lovely song
as she sat at her old piano in our living room. 

... A Flower for Mama

... Mother's Day

... MeMa's Holiday House



