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An Evaluation of Rail Passenger Information on the Web - User Survey

Thank you for visiting this survey. I am a Masters student at the University of Northumbria, evaluating the Web sites of British train companies for my dissertation. I would be grateful if you could spend a few minutes of your time in completing the questionnaire below, which concerns rail travel within Britain only. Your answers will assist in the creation of new standards for rail web sites.

You do not have to answer every question and all replies are of course confidential. Please email me at if you have any comments or wish to receive a Word version of this form.

1. Approximately how often do you use the Internet?

2. Before starting a journey, from what source do you most often obtain rail travel information?

(If "Other" please state source: )

3. And how would you prefer to obtain this information?

(If "Other" please state source: )

4. Approximately how often do you use the Internet to obtain rail travel information?

5. Stating the most important first, please give below your reasons for using the Internet, and/or what deters you from using it:

6. Approximately how many train company sites have you visited over the past two months?

7. If using the Internet to obtain specific train times, would you be more likely to use a train company site (eg. Connex or GNER) or a nationally based site (eg. Railtrack or The Trainline)?

8. Which is more important to you, a site's presentation (how it looks and responds) or content (the information it contains)?

9. For train company sites only, how important to you are the following?

a. Specific journey planner

b. Route timetables

c. Real time travel information

d. Online booking

e. Station facilities

f. Train facilities

g. Intermodal/interchange facilities

h. Leisure travel information

i. Business/commuter travel information

10. Whether on the above list or not, please indicate the one area of travel information where you feel the most improvement could be made:

11. Is there any train company site(s) that you feel is particularly good? Please say why:

12. And is there any particularly poor site(s)? Please say why:

13. Please use the space below for any other comments that you wish to make about rail travel information on the Web:

About yourself:

Female Male

years old


Thank you for your time. If you would be prepared to take part in a follow-up survey, please give your email address below: