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My Drum Playing Experience

I've been playing drums for only 9 years. I say "only" because, with all the experience I've gained, it seems like a lot longer. I've played every drum in the marching band, everything in the drum closet for concert band at least once, and drum set. On this page you will find a brief list of my experiences.


First signed up for band. At this point, I was in 6th grade. I was the only drummer in that band, and got my first experience of many playing multiple things during one concert. Since I was just starting out I only had one drum per song, and only played snare, bass, suspended cymbal, and triangle.


7th grade, and the start of marching band.
Marching Band: cymbals
Concert Band: snare, bass, and cymbals


8th grade, timid yet pretty good.
Marching Band: Snare, until it was canceled
Concert Band: snare, with bass as needed.


Ahh, 9th grade. Land of low self-esteem and fruitcake. Why fruitcake? I don't know either...
Marching Band: Auxiliary percussion in the pit. Quite timid, so the parts couldn't be heard well.
Indoor Drumline: Cymbals
Concert Band: Auxiliary percussion with the other freshmen. Good times (he types sarcastically).


10th Grade, sophmore heaven.
Marching Band: Bass Drum. Moved from bass 5 to bass 2 after the bass 2 player quit.
Indoor Drumline: Snare, until it got cancelled (not good luck so far...)
Concert Band: Snare drum.
Big 33: first year, played bass drum.
County Band: first and only (stopped sending CD drum parts...grrrr...), played some of everything.


11th grade. Not all that fun...of course, I may just be saying that because I had mono...
Marching Band: Quints
Concert Band: back to Auxiliary Percussion. I just got into the Wind Ensemble and got the duties of the youngest drummer.
Jazz Band: first year + mono = not good playing.


12th Grade. Senior year. Boo-Yah!
Marching Band: Snare (not canceled!). Was captain in all but name.
Indoor Drumline: Quints, drumline Captain!
Concert Band: Snare, with other parts as needed. Sometimes several different drums in the same song.
Jazz Band: Drum Set, in charge, playing better than the previous year.
Jazz Combo: elite Jazz Band!
Pit Orchestra: 1 of 2 set players for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
Big 33: Quints!
Helped instruct the CD drumline over the summer.


Freshman year in college at Pitt. Hadn't learned how to study yet :(
Marching Band: Bass 6, because I was the loudest at the tryouts


Now attending HACC as of that fall.
Instruct: CD drumline, usually the only member of the drumline staff present (of 4).
Began CD Jr. Drumline.
Technical Difficulties forms


Helped instruct CD Indoor Stomp Line
Marching Band: Hershey Park Marching Band, played Quads in "The Sweetest Parade on Earth" (bad pun intended).
Help instruct CD, and continue to run the Jr. Drumline.
Technical Difficulties has its first gig


Helped instruct CD Indoor line's "Stomp 2"
Marching Band: Snare for the Shippensburg University Drumline.
Central Daupin band director begins a Summer Jazz Band, featuring me as a drummer.
Third year running the Jr. Drumline.
Technical Difficulties records a song!!


Was part of the "tech classes" for Ship's drumline. We did technique building things.
Marching Band: Back at Ship. Quints!! Yeah, baby!


Drummer for the HACC Jazz Ensemble.

Am I any good you ask? Well, if my experience doesn't convince you, perhaps this will. I was taught by this man:

Anyone that crazy has to know what he's talking about.