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Our self-portrait

   Hi, and welcome to our site. We are presently constructing this site along with a few others, so do check back now and again to see how we've been progressing. We've been involved with computers since the IBM-Pc running at 4.77mhz, 640K ram, math-co- processor, (2) 5-1/4" floppy drives, a huge 10-MEG hard drive in the expansion unit, and a amber colored monitor, to a 386/33MHZ machine, to a 200MHZ Pentium w/MMX, a 2 GIG hard-drive, 36x CD, 56K modem, cheap 16 bit sound card, 19" monitor, 65 Meg RAM, and a recordable CDR drive, to our present system which is a 400MHZ machine with similar stuff as the 200MHZ machine and is linked with it and the old 386 machine through an in house intranet setup. As you can see we're a couple years behind the curve in technology. We believe the computer you need is the one that works for you. I couldn't type faster than that old IBM could digest information and surely can not out type this unit either! Over the years we've learned a lot of "stuff" and decided to share what we've gained in knowledge (for a price !) with the computer world. Spreadsheets, cad symbols, graphics, and other "stuff" will be packaged together and offered on a cd-rom at a reasonable price at a later date.

   In the meantime check the purple selection area at the top of this page for links to the other areas of our site. Your mouse pointer should change to a hand (or whatever you use to indicate a hyper-link) when positioned over the purple "menu" area. This navigation tool appears on the top of all our pages to allow you to view all the different areas of our site. Use the scroll bars on the side of the page to view the entire contents of the page. On our "Web pages......." we have added Barnes Associates Engineering programs, our spreadsheet examples are now shown in "Spreadsheets....." with explainations, CAD symbols in "CAD & Symbols" rotate through our entire list, the "Graphics........" page contains a couple altered photographs and a couple animations, and on the "Misc............" page we will continually add content in the form of affiliate programs and links to other interesting sites. Keep in mind that we are still preparing this site and are adding to it as time permits. In the very near future we will be adding "links" at the bottom of each of our pages for you to gain knowledge on the page subject and, possibly, a search engine to this main page .

Thanks for visiting,


June 24, 2001

Here's our e-mail link: LdL_Enterprise

©LdL Enterprise 2001-06-24