No Shoes! 

Yep, that's me, No shoes.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all!º


Meet me...

No shoes, you're wondering what that's about, eh? Well I have a tendency to walk around school without my shoes on. Yep, that's about it...No shoes, get it?

My People...

These are all the people that I enjoy being around and that I hang around or talk to most often. Let's see there's...Michael, Kristen, Jill, Amy, Zach and the youth at Michael's church, Joe-Joe, Cat, Eric, the CFA crew, Matt and Kim Hardee, the Hixson High Band! Phillip, Solomon, Tony, Trevor, Alex and cute wittle Joey! :) If I forgot you and you feel like you are honored enough to be here, let me know. I'm sorry I forgot Susan! Sorry yo! Love to da saxes! (The oriental writing, on the left, means "Heather" in Japanese, made by Solomon)


Band...a touchy subject by some...This saxophone (right) is the sax of my dreams yo! I really want this sax! It's my school's colours! it's awesome...well anyway. There's a few things you should know. First, DRUMS rule all!! that is the most important rule of all. Second, saxes are next in the line. Face it, They're just awesome and you know it! From then on, it doesn't matter. Just don't be a trumpet or mellaphone, they suck! This is an alto sax...see the little neck's straight which means it's an alto. That's all you need to know to get by with saxes, altos matter most. If you can, be drum major, it's completely awesome. I am now in UTC's marching band and a scottish pipe band....this could also belong the "More about me" section I suppose....


More about me!

Hmm. well what do you need to know? Ok well, I like sports first of all...Baseball, Soccer and Football are my sports. My favourite teams are the Atlanta Braves and the Georgia Bulldogs! I don't have a favourite soccer team but I like to play it. I love drumming. I like to drive around in my 84' Honda, dancing is fun but I don't do anything special, I like to sing, I like church, I love spending time with my friends, I like money (kind of need it these days), and I love cars! Go me! If you ever feel like giving me a classic Mustang, a 57' Chevy, a Dodge Viper or a me immediately.

"In My Life"

There are places I'll remember
all my life, though some have changed,
some forever, not for better,
some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments,
with lovers and friends I still can recall,
some are dead and some are living,
in my life, I've loved them all.

But of all these friends and lovers,
there is no one compared with you,
and these mem'ries lose their meaning
when I think of love as something new.
Though I know I'll never lose affection
for people and things that went before,
I know I'll often stop and think about them,
in my life, I'll love you more.

Though I know I'll never lose affection
for people and things that went before,
I know I'll often stop and think about them
in my life, I'll love you more
in my life, I'll love you more. 

This is song is one of Lennon's best, in my opinion. He wrote some really profound things, but none hit me quite like this one does. I understand it completely and wholly. 


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(we all know I have a little devil in me)

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Bands I enjoy

Chili Pepper Boxers


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This site was updated on June 22, 2004

ºtaken from the song "Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite" by the Beatles