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UNCC 2002- 2003 Delegation


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Organizational Purposes

    The North Carolina Student Legislature (NCSL), founded in 1937, is the oldest active student legislature in the country. More than 5,000 students from more than 25 public and private universities, colleges, technical schools, and community colleges across the State have experienced the educational opportunity offered by the NCSL. Many have gone on to careers of service to North Carolina. Alumni include Governor James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor James Holshouser, Senator Robert Morgan, Secretary of Labor John Brooks, and Charlotte Mayor Eddie Knox, to name a few.

    The NCSL serves two fundamental purposes. First, through actual participation in a model General Assembly, it provides students with a close-up, practical education in the political and legislative processes. Secondly, NCSL affords students a statewide forum for expressing their ideas and opinions on current issues to State and national leaders. NCSL's voice is heard and many levels, and more than 40% of NCSL's legislative ideas have been written into law.

Organizational Operations

    Under the leadership of a central government, the individual member school delegations of NCSL research and write bills and resolutions for presentation and debate throughout the year. Individual delegations meet weekly on each campus to prepare for statewide meetings and plan special activities. Once a month, September through April, all the schools come together for an "Interim Council," at which resolutions are passed and prominent speakers heard. The highlight of the NCSL year is the Annual Session in March, where delegates present bills researched year-long to the NCSL body in the chambers of the Old Capitol Building in Raleigh. Activities during the weeklong session include a reception for State Legislators and alumni, extensive bill debates, election of State officers, and speeches from State and national officers.

    Once NCSL legislation has passed both houses at the Session and is signed by the Student Governor, it is compiled into a Compendium. The Compendium is presented to the General Assembly and prominent State leaders for their consideration each year.

    NCSL took a dramatic step toward organizational maturity by incorporating in 1973. NCSL is now recognized by the State of North Carolina as a non-profit, non-partisan education corporation. NCSL, Inc., is financed by tax-deductible contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations across the State.

How NCSL Contributes

    The NCSL is committed to working with governmental and private sectors of the State to build a progressive and productive North Carolina. NCSL is involved with city, county, and State officials of both parties from the mountains to the coast, as well as legislators, attorneys, and businessmen who have generously volunteered their time. In concert with these persons, NCSL's efforts to provide initiatives on key issues in the State have been successful.

    The NCSL sponsors a variety of civic activities. From voter registration drives to providing high school internships to increasing citizen awareness about State issues, the NCSL continues to help build a brighter future for North Carolina.

    You can play a vital role in the unique educational opportunity that is NCSL. By joining NCSL at a member school, establishing a new "delegation" at an unaffiliated school, contributing your time or financial resources, or by simply supporting our efforts, you can "join in and investment in the future of North Carolina." Your support can help the North Carolina Student Legislature remain the nation's oldest and one of its strongest student legislatures.




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University of North Carolina at Charlotte Department of Political Science- 2004