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[MoM] Counter Strike Clan [MoM]

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Join The [MoM] Clan!

04/20/02's been a while, but the [MoM]clan, plus some honorary members played as a tribute to [MoM]Georg, who is moving to Indiana. We played all bloody day, and it was some of the more fun CS playing that's been done in a long time. [MoM]Hammus reigned over most maps, however [MoM]Syn and [MoM]Porter took Italy and Aztec by storm. We followed up our CS with some good old fashioned Half Life, and it was surprisingly fun. For not playing in a while, it was a fun change. For just that night, of course.

  After a four month long hiatus, the [MoM] Clan is slowly, but surely getting itsleft back together. We'd like to send out our love to our newest member of the [MoM] Clan....[MoM]Jackenstein. [MoM]Jackenstien has just returned from a long sabbatical in the deserts of Afghanistan. Needless to say, the whole clan will be going back upon further desert training at camp Dust.

  [MoM]Syn has documented one of our most recent missions, as "A Call To Hammus"

  It's been a while since the Clan has played together, but over the weekend a few of us played. [MoM]Dr.Evil and I([MoM]Porter) did some Lan gamin' with some newbies on Saturday. It was quite fun. I havn't ripped it up that well in a long time. It was [MoM]Dr.Evil and two others against myself and two others. One of the other guys had played before, but to no avail, for we ripped it up. [MoM]Dr.Evil, although in the lead over his teammates, was still a tad ragefull. Our condolences go out to him, for we all hate the rage. As we always say, "you must harness the Chi."
   Also, [MoM]Hammus and [MoM]Dr.Evil got it on Sunday. [MoM]Dr.Evil had some good revenge for the previous night's rage, and [MoM]Hammus ripped it up, if he does say so himself.

  Finally put an image on the main page. It's pretty dang sweet if you ask me. More will soon follow, hopefully.

  Updated the page to get rid of the blasted underlines that pop up under links. I absolutely hate it when links are underlined, therefore you won't have to endure it anymore, because they're gone!

  The [MoM] Clan site has been updated, with new links on the page, as well as a newly redesigned Members page, and Member Requirements page. Please bear with us while we improve our site, and add new links.

  [MoM] Clan's page is now being hosted by Due to problems with hosting the site on computers at work, we've decided to use Angelfire until we purchase our own domain name. So far, what they have to offer is great. Easy html updating, and 50 meg of space. For being free, we're happy.

Last Updated 04/26/02

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