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100% Canadian Site

Haunted Houses

Kingston Pen

Fort Henry

Skeleton Park

City Hall

Royal Military College

Queens University

Urban Legends

Ghost Photos

Web Cams (no Kingston sites)

Ghost Hunting Tips


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Local Urban Legends

Urban Legends are just what they profess to be, tales that may or may not have a basis in fact. Either way they are interesting and entertaining.

The following are local legends that probably have a counter part in every city in North America. I have heard some of these before but set in different places. There are a few new ones here that until I started doing this web site I had never heard.

The Serial Killers House

The Tunnel

The Shape Shifter

Disappearance on Gore Street

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688 King St West
The true story of a haunting that one family had to live with

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McBurney Park
The city park that holds a horrible secret

kbbanner.gif (4360 bytes) The Mystery of King Bird Five Zero

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to other paranormal sites.