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Card Combos and Strategy


Any of the underlined card names listed here may be clicked on to view the image of the card in a new window.

Unless I devise or receive a ton of combos, each region will be on this one page.

If you have any combos, submit them to me, and I may post them here.  All combos submitted and posted will be given due credit.

NOTE:  Unlike the Card Images page, any Promotional cards here will be found in their own specific region.

NOTE:  These combo descriptions were written with primarily one-on-one battles in mind.

NOTE:  Combos listed from other people will only have links to card images if those links can't be found in my own previous combos of the same region.


 Cald | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Orothe | Underneath | Universal | <<Back>>



From Brian:


Arderial | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Orothe | Underneath | Universal | <<Back>>



Arderial | Cald | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Orothe | Underneath | Universal | <<Back>>



Arderial | Cald | Core | Naroom | Orothe | Underneath | Universal | <<Back>>

Kybar's Teeth


Arderial | Cald | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Orothe | Underneath | Universal | <<Back>>



Arderial | Cald | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Underneath | Universal | <<Back>>



Arderial | Cald | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Orothe | Universal | <<Back>>



Arderial | Cald | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Orothe | Underneath | <<Back>>



Arderial | Cald | Core | Kybar's Teeth | Naroom | Orothe | Underneath | Universal

