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Summary of My Life

"When I grow up, I wanna be a squeeky toy!"

This is me. The picture was taken at Hirosaki Castle, in Aomori where they have really good apples and apple flavored ice cream... mmmm... should really ask the Dairy Bar if they make apple ice cream 'cuz that would rock.

I've changed a lot since I last messed with this page extensively.

Okay...let's see...what would you like to know about me? The easiest way to do this would probably be to just copy and paste one of those surveys people always send me on here.

Name: Grace
Nicknames?: mouse, little mouse, mousie, squeaky, & gracey (don't spell it "Gracie")
Birthday: March 7
Pets: cocker spaniel named Bu-Bu
Height: 5 ft 2 in
Eye color: dark brown
Hair color: naturally? black. currently? black with bits of burgundy-brown.
Birthplace: Athens
Current residence: here
Croutons or bacon bits: croutons of course
Blanket or stuffed animal: must have both.
Salad dressing? hmmm...thousand island
Lucky number? 503
Favorite movie? Good will hunting, courage under fire, saving private ryan, the matrix, the sixth sense, young frankenstein, casablanca, crouching dragon hidden tiger, harry potter, lord of the rings, donnie darko, snatch
Fav. Commercial: I dunno... I don't watch enough TV anymore.
Foods?: japanese food is yummy
Candy?: GUMMI BEARS!!!! It's an addiction.... (systolic... diastolic... systolic... diastolic...)
Day of the Week: wednesday. that's also the day i was born, hence the screen name "wednesday384"
Favorite drink: dr pepper, sobe energy, blue gatorade
What words or phrases do you overuse? "i dunno" and "maybe" and "perhaps" inability to make decisions drives my friends crazy. ^_^
Most annoying thing?: my inability to keep up with all that's going on.
Major: English. I wanna put together a concentration in children's lit. I think I want to do a concentration in Medieval lit too... I dunno. Still got a while before I have to make a decision. Thinking about double majoring and tacking on Linguistics too.
Favorite things to do: play frisbee (Yeah, Roses!), read, write, take pictures, be a kid and play around with this thing.

I graduated from Cedar Shoals High School on Friday, May 24, 2002. (You can read all about high school by clicking here, although I'm not sure why you would want to.) I am currently attending Cornell University in the middle-of-no-where, NY, otherwise known as Ithaca. During the summer of 2002, I spent 8 weeks in Japan. 'Twas very fun. I met lotsa great people and learned lotsa new things and I'll be posting pictures from the trip eventually. Read my livejournal to find out what I did in Japan.

You might find this interesting: My Self-Definition Project (for Mr Folkerth's class)

And this too: pictures of crazy people.

My Diaries:
My OpenDiaries: (Wednesday384 & _ )
My LiveJournal (username:noodle384)

you may be wondering why i need so many diaries...well, i dont' need them. i just have them b/c i like stuff and diaries are stuff and besides, they're pretty.

"There's no place like home. There's no place like home."

Last updated on Saturday, January 24, 2004