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Savannakhet from the Air

Savannakhet Airfield (L39) taken from a flight of SANDY A-1s in 1971. My thanks to A1 pilot Alan Young for permission to use this superb photo. (© Alan Young 1971, 1999-2005).

The view is to the southwest. The town of Savannakhet is to the right of the airfield and extends out of sight under the A1's wing.

The AIRA site was located at the junction of the horizontal road up from the tail of the low A1.

Mukdahan, Thailand is directly across the Mekong River. This was the location of the USAF operated "VIKING" Radar Site. The TACAN Channel 99 was near the left edge of the photo on the Thailand side of the river. It became operational in January 1968 after the PAVN destroyed the TACAN at Muong Phalane on December 25, 1967..

(Copyright Thomas E. Lee 1999-2005)

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