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Well Wishes & Prayers for Rob & His Family!


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Dear Friends

   I am a close friend to your Aunt Lucille. She forwarded me your letter. It is a wonderful thing you are doing for Rob. God bless you for your faithful kindness. I will be forwarding my donation this week.
  Heavenly Father, we come before you to lift up Rob. Father, you know
exactly the healing that he needs and we are asking you for that in the name
of Jesus. Encamp angels around his bed at night, heal him from his head to
his toes. We know Lord that although he is under doctors care, he is in the
Masters Hand and we trust you for you are a wonderful and kind Lord. We lift
up his family Lord, that you would give them strength during this trying
time. We ask that you give them a peace that passes all understanding. Lord,
we are trusting you for a miraculous recovery for Rob and we are believing
you for this for we ask it in the precious and mighty name of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
   I am forwarding this letter to a more extensive prayer chain.
In Christian Love,  Alfie Rosinsky

I've only known Robert for about a year but he has been a great mentor and friend. He is sorely missed at the office.

Attached is a picture from a golf outing at our Sales Meeting in Scottsdale, earlier this year.
(see our photo for picture)

Our prayers are with Rob and his family.
John DeBari

Hi, The Langerman family would like to extend its prayers and well wishes to the March families. Rob March is one of the BEST human beings I have ever known and he has to get better so he can keep the Peanut Butter and Fluff companies in business.

Andrew Langerman
Sr. Technical Recruiter
Intellimark - Charlotte

Robert and family-
I'm very glad to hear of your progress.  I've had my quota of "tragic" stories for the year already...I'm glad to see someone is beating the odds for a change.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tucker Scofield
Account Manager
IntelliMark, Inc.

   You do not know me. I'm a sub-contractor with Intellimark in Central PA. I do however recently received a internal Intellimark email account. That is how I found out your accident. Our prayers and go out to you and your family. If I can let me share a quick story with you.
  Three and a half years ago, my Wife (ANA) was pregnant with our second child. We knew it was going to be a girl, our first was a boy (James, now 7yrs old). My wife had been to the doctors several times with low fetal movement and a couple of time to the hospital. Each time they checked her out and released her. 
  On 4/3/98 however she went to the hospital. After being checkout for a couple of hours the doctor came in and said that they were going to perform a C-section. The nurse allowed my wife to go to the bathroom. When my wife got back into bed there was no heartbeat except her own. To make a long story short. It took 25 minutes to get my daughters heart beating again. All the doctors said she would not know us. She would be bed ridden, etc.
  Today, my daughter Sarah is 3 1/2 yrs old. Thought she has many problems. She has Cerebral Palsy and seizure disorder, she loves her brother and parents and knows who we are and what is going on around her!!!!!! She has proven many doctors wrong and has a purpose. Thought I do not know the reason God has blessed us with her. I felt as though I would share this with you. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PRAYER!!!!!!! I know it has help our family.....
   Thank You for allowing me to share with you my story... Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.

The Plantes
Sarah, James, Ana & Stephen

More to be posted soon!