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What A Screwed Up World

Everyday we hide behind our fading mask......

Looking for the answers to the questions that we ask.....

What are we here for, And will things ever change.....

We try to grasp the answers but its always out of range...

The world is so screwed up its filled with so much rage....

Performing experiments on animals, Who are locked up in a cage...

Life is just a series of roads that form a complicated maze...

Make sure you take the right one, Because crime never pays...

In our minds we all can picture, The visions of our past...

We were only children then, And the knowledge was to vast....

There are people all around this world , People in desperate need....

Looking for the same answers, But are unlikely to succeed...

Does anyone out there really care ,About his fellow man....

Help him to restore his life, And give that helping hand....

So when you are curled up in your bed, And lay there snoring...

Spare a thought for the people out there, Whose life to you are boring...

You may not see eye to eye, indeed this is your right.....

But give a thought to the hungry and their plight,....

For only you, can make the future bright...











By Darkness





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