
full name: jennifer ashley manuel
nick name: jenn, ashley, jennbabay
birth date: october 27
zodiac: scorpio
age: 15
grade: 9th
school: dulles high school
home town: meadows place, (sw houston)
siblings: jason,19 and jonathan,17
pets: none at the moment
when i grow up: pediactric nurse
height: 5'0
status: blah.
ethnics: filipina
religion: catholic

-God. -saniro. -malls. -blue. -flowers. -sports. -animals. -art. -reading. -the tv show friends. -stuffed animals. -flares. -hangin out w/ my cousins and friends. -scrunchees. -jewelry. -bike riding. -roller blading. -tetris. -dr mario. -playstation. -internet. -e-mail. -AIM. -cardgames. -english. -secret handshakes. -cats cradle. -adidas. -mp3's. -cds. -scent of pears. -sleep overs. -staying up late. -chatting. -people. -silver. -smiles. -hugs and kisses. -being in love. -laughing. -hot showers. -special glances. -getting mail. -hearing favorite songs on the radio. -listen to rain outside. -phone calls. -good conversations. -finding money you've been looking for. -laughing at myself. -running through sprinklers. -laughing for no reason. -good thoughts. -flashbacks to good things. -memories. -laughing at an inside joke. -laughing at any joke. -guys who play the guitar. -guys who can sing. -overhearing good things about myself. -waking up realizing you still have more time to sleep. -making new friends. -playing with animals. -conversations with people. -telling secrets. -staying up and talking to people. -someone playing with my hair. -sweetdreams. -hot cocoa on cold nights. -road trips. -swings. -watching a good movie. -unwrapping presents. -saying thank you. -saying i love you. -making cookies. -watching a happy expression on someones face when they recieve something they want from you. -YOU.

-gold. -rats. -math. -school. -bugs. -roaches...just the thought of them make me quiver. -doing the dishes. -fancy shoes. -dressing up. -mean people. -my older brothers, (some of the time). -chain letters/ forwards. -short emails. -waking up early. -going to bed early. -corny pet name like, snow ball.. -homework. -expage pages. -popup advertisements. -commercials. -darkness, oohh scary. -people who pop out and scare me. -homework.

-skittles. -oranges. -filipino food. -cotton candy. -chicken. -rice. -steak. -yo' quiero taco bell. -oreos. -cookies n' cream ice cream. -shakes. -cherry snowcones. -cinnamon rolls. -bagels. -starburst. -mountain dew. -coke. -koolaid. -kayle. -french toast. -tuna casserole. -macaroni and cheese. -mashed potatos. -ramen. -peanut butter cookies. -blow pops. -pixie stix. -KFC. -pizza. -pickles. -pancakes. -sugar cookies -eggs. -jack in the box. -chocolate. -plain milk. -gummie bears. -mango. -kiwi. -pears. -root beer. -oh yeah dont forget the twix. -YOU.

-cold food. -hushpuppies. -diet drinks. -green beans. -sunflower seeds. -peanut butter. -burger king. -mustard. -balogna. -kix. -trix. -fruit loops. -veggi soup. -blue cheese. -really sweet cake icing. -vannila cakes. -bitter foods. -plain carrots. -bitter foods. -grape fruit juice. -fritos. -cough drops. -squash. -peas. -lima beans. -brussell sprouts.

AIM sn - jenn13aby