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Jason, Below is some code where I was dynamically creating an NVO of type 'whatever'. One thing I did notice in looking at it however is to reference it, you need to know the ancestor type. So, I'm not sure how this will work for us as the ancestor type wouldn't have the functions specific to CMSLMS for example. I suppose we could make the function calls Dynamic. Also, one gotcha I remember using the code below is that if there is NOT an object of the type the string specifies, then when the create is executed, it App Terminates... Eric

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Author : Eric Ullrich
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Source //******************************************************************************* Script: F_GET_LIB_VERSIONS() Author: Eric Ullrich 10/11/2000 Arguments: string as_library If empty string, return info on ALL libraries, else return info on library requested string array as_liblist[] List of PBLs in the application Returns: string ls_rtn A string of each PBL name and it's date/build. Function: Build a string of all the PBLs in the library list and their version. Version info for each PBL is stored in a function on an nvo with the name 'nvo_version_xxx' where xxx is the pbl name. If a pbl name is passed to the function, return JUST the version info for that particular pbl. *******************************************************************************/ integer i, li_libcnt, li_len string ls_version, ls_rtn = "" nvo_version lnvo // Check whether to get info on 1 or ALL libraries. IF as_library = "" THEN // Get info on ALL the libraries // Create header for message ls_rtn = "Library ~tBuild Date~r~n" ls_rtn += Fill("-", 64) + "~r~n" // Cycle thru each library in the array and get it's version info li_libcnt = upperbound(as_liblist[]) FOR i = 1 TO li_libcnt lnvo = CREATE USING "nvo_version_" + as_liblist[i] ls_version = lnvo.of_get_version() DESTROY lnvo ls_rtn += as_liblist[i] + Fill(" ", 20 - len( (as_liblist[i] + ".pbl:"))) & + "~t" + ls_version + "~r~n" NEXT // Strip off last ~r~n added ls_rtn = Left(ls_rtn, len(ls_rtn) - 2) ELSE // Get info on just the one library lnvo = CREATE USING "nvo_version_" + as_library ls_rtn = lnvo.of_get_version() DESTROY lnvo END IF RETURN ls_rtn