Interview with Vagelis, featured in Supreme Turpitude 'zine, issue #1, January 2005

Inveracity is the leading death metal band in Greece and with their "Circle Of Perversion" CD they prove it in the best way and establish themselves as one of the best underground brutal death metal bands worldwide.

1) Hey Vagelis what's up? Let's start this with a boring question? Tell us about the band's history!

What's up guys? I've answered thi many times but as you said it will always be a boring one! Inveracity started out by Antonis and me, them we met a sick and crazy guy named Lefteris who joined on bass and Dionisis (vocalist). We recorded the demo CD with this line-up and also did some shows. A few more vocalists followed until our split LP/CD with Insision and our first full-length entitled "Circle Of Perversion". We toured Europe recently along with Godless Truth and Despondency.

2) Recently Marios was replaced by George on vocals. Why did this happen and and what's your opinion about George?

The actual reason is that Marios was unable to follow us on tour and this was sad. However, we had to move on and that's when George showed up and saved our ass! Cheers to him for being the man!

3) Few days ago you toured Europe with Despondency, Beheaded and Godless Truth. Which countries did you visit? How was the response of the people there and which band impressed you?

Actually Beheaded was not in the tour- we only played with them at Ludwigshafen Deathfest where they put up an impressive show. Both Godless and Despondency are crushing live bands and I hope that they will visit Greece one day so that everyone will be able to see what I'm talking about. The shows were kick-ass and the reactions often blew us away!

4) How are things going with Unmatched Brutality? Are you satisfied?

Sure! UBR is a honest and dedicated underground death metal label, not to mention their huge support on tour. No complaints so far. They are absolutely brutal death metal freaks!

5) During your last greek show, you played 2 new songs that fucked some ass! What are your plans on the new album? Will it be released by Unmatched again? Do you have a title for the upcoming CD? What will it sound like?

Thanks man, we got enough new tracks on which we are working and we'll start recording them in the summer. No title yet, most tracks are untitled too. Unmatched Brutality is a high possibility but I really cannot tell yet. You can expect a new album on late 2005 and it will nothing more than even more improved savage brutal death metal.

6) Name your influences as a drummer and also your favorite bands.

Well, I am a drum addict and I can name guys such as Derek Roddy, Dave Cullross, Tim Yeung, Pete Sandoval, Kevin Talley, Tony Laureano, Mike Hamilton and the list goes on and on... Pretty much the top of the cream drummers in death metal. However, there are also less known guys that I listen to that have blown me away. Europe is starting to breed a new generation of brutal drummers as well. Favorite bands? I guess every band any of the above guys has drummed for but also Dehumanized, Broken Hope, Suffocation, Monstrosity- I can keep going on for hours!

7) Are you guys part of the Greek death metal scene? Which bands do you like in the local scene and what's your opinion on the scene itself?

The scene has grown stronger compared to a few years ago when there were hardly any brutal acts, it has become more of a "scene". I mean, now there are enough bands, people going to shows, fanzines and such. Nice stuff! concerning bands, I can't wait to lay my hands on the upcoming Extreme Violence CD which I am sure will tear the Greek scene a new asshole! Other bands people should check out: Sickening Horror, Vulnus, Into The Gore, Putrefied Genitalia, Evade.

8)We know that Inveracity are horror maniacs (especially Lefteris). Which are your favorite horror movies?

That's a question for Lefteri9s himself but I've watched quite a few horror flicks and I still remember HOUSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PARK as one of my favorites and if it hadn't been for that happy ending it would be my all-time favorite. David Hess is a lunatic. I also enjoyed VIOLENT ROME for it's sheer brutality.

9) One last question... What is your opinion on our favorite music? I mean that TXDM no longer exists and NYDM is not as strong as it used to be. However European death metal is strong and active. Do you agree?

I was never a big fan of the so-called TXDM apart from Devourment. As for NYDM, I am just waiting for some new Dehumanized stuff to kick my ass once again. I do agree that death metal is not what it used to be. It has become standard stuff with blastbeats and brutal vocals. Impressive new bands don't pop up often anymore. In my opinion the reason for this is that most bands try to be the fastest and they end up losing the point. What's the reason for being the fastest and overtechnical if nobody can remember some riffs after he has played the CD? Speed for the sake of speed is making people lose their point. They should know that it's not blasts and grunts that make death metal- it's the real sickness in a musical form. The European scene is improving day by day and you can tell by looking at cool recent releases. Europe is rising and perhaps it will make the difference.

10) Thanks for answering this sick intie! Please tell us where we can find Inveracity? Also some last words. KEEP ON BLASTING BRO- I wish you the best....

Vagos thanks for the cool interview and for giving us the chance to be featured in your fanzine. Keep it up, being a sick family. Our site is located at and be sure to check out Wait for Inveracity's second strike in 2005. Cheers!

Inveracity after the show at the Frontline Club-Belgium

Interview by Vagos Infected