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~Help 4 Newbies~ Guild's Homepage

Welcome to ~Help 4 Newbies~ homepage!

Guild Rules:
  1. Be kind and helpful to all of this guild's members
  2. Try and contribute to the guild store and bank account at least twice every week
  3. Don't abuse the guild in any way, shape or form
  4. Try and help out any member that needs help if you can
  5. Do not use profanity while posting ANY messages in the guild AND in the chat room. If you do, you will be suspended from
    the guild.

The passwords have been taken off of the tips/hints page. I am still debating whether or not to make the contact info pages
password protected or not. Any thoughts on that? Also if you have NOT sent in your contact info than please send it to as soon as you can. Thank you.

~*~Guild Mall~*~

Can everyone in the guild please chose a theme for their shop out of the list below. Once you pick your theme out, neomail me
(Adele) and tell me which one you have chosen. You will then receive some items from the guild to start your shop up. The
money that is recieved will be under your control, so hopefully you will give some of it back to the guild half of the amount that you
made off of the items or at least some useful items.

Send me a message if you have ANY questions. **The store themes can be used more than once by more than one member, but
before we start to double up on themes, can we please use up all of the themes first, thanks. The store themes with * by it means
that it has already been taken. If I have missed any themes that have been taken then please neomail me. ~princess1444

~*Store themes*~: Please neomail me or post up on the message board if you have a guild shop and what the theme is. Thanks.

  • Grocery
  • Codestone *
  • Paint Brush
  • Beauty *
  • Pet Pets
  • Job Coupon
  • Snow
  • Faerie Food
  • Bakery
  • Hotdog * green_hotdog_queen
  • Halloween
  • Baby Food
  • Faerie
  • Toy
  • Negg/egg
  • Clothing
  • Book * help4newbies
  • Health * melfina_rose
  • Tyrannian
  • Chocolate & Candy
  • Jewlery
  • Trading Card
  • Ultra Rare
  • Island/Maraqua
  • Scratchcard
  • Map
  • Furniture
  • Video/Poster
  • Breakfast
  • Smoothie
  • Flower *
  • Drink
  • Mixed/Misc.
  • Pizza
  • Snack Food
  • Gardening *
  • Gift
  • Plushie
  • Nerkmids/Tombola Coins/Dubloons
  • Updates:

    Check out the chat room on the Contact page!

    NEW EVENT!!!!

    Send all messages about the above guild info. or anything else of private concern to the guild's account (help4newbies), not

    If you have any financial problems send them to master_pokemon (Treasurer). If your pet needs to be healed then send a message
    telling about your pets health problems to melfina_rose (Healer).

    Have a nice day!! :)

    backgrounds by mevam