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Update on Simon 7/2/01

Simon is settling in nicely. He's certainly not lacking for love and affection! He is a delight. We are having a bit of trouble with "weeping" of the sockets and he may have to return to the vet for more care, but on the whole he's doing very well. I think he's even got a little smile going in some of these pics. :)

Evening 7/2/01

Simon started with a fever today and has had to go back to the vet and have drains put in his sockets. There is a bit of infection and the sockets may have to be reopened, cleaned and closed again. :( My vet also said that the poor baby is a cryptorchid (testicles haven't dropped) and that they may actually be lodged in his thigh area. OUCH! Funds are low as I've also got Bug's eye surgery scheduled for this weekend. If anyone could help Simon by donating toward his medical care it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me by email for further information. My 501 (c) 3 non-profit status is pending at this time, but I will be happy to send you a receipt for tax purposes. Donations can also be sent directly to my veternarian's office, please mark them for: SIMON CLAUD.


Dr. Sharon Kensik

The Shops at Lee's Hill

10693 Spotsylvania Ave.

Fredericksburg,Va. 22408



Update 7/7/01

Simon got his tubes out today. He still has some nasty stuff coming out, I have to try to expell it a couple of times a day. He continues to be forming a  wonderful, loving, and demanding personality. Simon learned how to get to the first shelf of the cat tower...with the most beautiful look of glee on his face! He also sleeps in the ferret hammock on the scratching post, about 3 feet up and climbs it himself. He slept in bed for the first time the other night, and made "biscuits" on Skip's back all night.

7/20/01 Simon is in critical condition...

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