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I NEED HELP!! - Franky - 11/8/02

Ok Guys...I really need some help with this site. I have no clue what to do wit this. HTML is soooo comlicated now for me. I really need some help.

Everyone now uses AA. WHY?!?! AA is sooo slow and crappy. I wonder why everyone uses it. Angelfire is soo much faster and better. You guys should all switch to Angelfire. Its better!

Well i dont have much to say...but if u can help...please tell me! And yo u all AA users..GO TO ANGELFIRE!!

- Peace

The Sites Back!! - Franky - 10/19/02

Wow! Its been ages since i last updated this site. LOL...I might start updating all this again.

Sigh...its been like 2 years since i left. A lot has changed since then. The worlds been turning...people have been places have been people have been coming...people have been changing. Man...I cant keep up with all this.

I dunno what to do anymore...I'm back in ACI like i should've been. Things have changed a lot since i left that day 2 years ago...

I dunno what iam doin. This place is like a mess now! LOL! I totally forgot all the commands of HTML...its all oldschool. I need some help. Well anywaz...thats all for today...LATZ!

See Ya Later! - Franky - 07/15/2001

Well its time again for me to leave back to camp today. Hope you all have a great time. I have to be back at camp by 8pm so i guess I'll be leaving at 6pm. sigh... I'll miss you all again.

But on the otherhand, I'm gonna watch Final Fantasy today. I've been waiting for this movie since the arrival of Final Fantasy 6, 3 years ago. Lol, no one believed me that it would be coming out. But guess whos right! Lol! Well I'm gonna watch it at the Colisieum at 1:40pm. So if you wanna come join me, you can! So, hope you all have a good time and a great summer! And definitly watch Final Fantasy The Movie!

Wow! Just got back from watching the Movie. It was soooo amazing! You people hafta watch it. But there was a big change in plans. The Colisieum DIDN'T HAVE THE MOVIE! It said it did on the internet but I guess it isnt that reliable. So I had to go to AMC and watch it at 2pm. It was sooo amazing! The story seems short when it ends but its actually 2 hours long. I give it 5 stars but the ending was confusing. But like I said I'll love it even if its bad. LOL!

Well I'm gonna be going back to camp in an hour. I'll miss you all. Lates.

Just Got Back! - Franky - 07/14/2001

I love my site is the best now. I'd like to give a special thanks to Yali Gao! This is intense and amazing.

Well I just got back from camp today at 3:00pm and in 30 minutes I had to go to church for basketball. But let me tell you about camp. Its pretty intense. The camp is at a place called Borden. Its like a 90 min drive from Toronto. Theres like 1500 people there in the camp. We all have to sleep in a MOD tent that fits like 12 people. I have 12 people in my tent and they're all good. I have a lot of fun in the camp, and I get all the food I want. It's actually pretty fun. We have like a lot of activities like going to Water World, Rifle Drill, Canoeing and etc.

I'm on leave this weekend from camp so I get the weekend off. I can come back home every weekend from camp, but next week I don't think I can make it back cause I got no ride. :-(

Well tomalow on sunday I have to be back by 8pm so i guess I'll be leaving at like 6pm. I'll miss you all again, but I'll be back. Well hope you all have a great summer. And I'd like to extend my thanks to Yali for helping me make my site sooooooo AMAZING! Well have Fun All!

I'll Miss You People - Franky - 07/06/2001

Hi everybody! Well I'm packing for camp tomorrow. I have to be at the Communications Centre by 7:30am,it's sooo early. I'll be gone for 6 weeks, but I can come back on the weekends. Sigh... I'll miss you all.

Sigh... When me and my bro tried to go for Kiss Of The Dragon, we couldn't make it in becuase we weren't 19, sigh... So we settled in for A.I. It was okay. Well, I'll be going on for camp. See you later people.

Work Work Work - Franky - 07/05/2001

Well, I made a banner linked to Final Fantasy the Movie. And a lot of you know that I love Final Fantasy. I had many problems making this site but I'd like to give a sprecial thanks to Yali for helping me with the html.

My brother, Benajmin, is coming back tonight for all you curious, and we have plans tomorrow to watch "Kiss Of The Dragon". This Saturday I am leaving for Cadets for 6 weeks of camp. I'll miss you all :\. But don't worry 'll be back on the weekends. And if anyone wants me to make a link to their page, drop me an e-mail at

Also I uploaded my grad photo. I look sooo weird but please try your best to not laugh. Lol, I can't stop laughing myself. LOL!


Some Good Quality Work - Franky - 07/04/2001

I've updated my site again. Today my friend Billy came over and helped out with my site. Not bad eh? We did a lot of work and it wasn't easy. Well keep staying tuned, I'll keep updating with some more news.

The Beginning - Franky - 07/03/2001

I have just started this site. Its pretty hard work, but I'll keep working. This site is mainly for others to know about me and my friends and family to know whats happening with me. Well this is where it all begins. It all starts here. I'am gonna continue working guys. So, stay tuned.