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Cry It Out, one Mom's view

Is it OK to leave a baby to cry alone?

Does it teach the baby to "soothe themself"?

Do infants really manipulate you?

My analogy of the "Cry it out" method of leaving infants to cry alone...

...pretend your Mother is older and infirm, she can't dress herself or get out of bed without help, she is fed, has been to the bathroom recently and is safe. But she can't sleep one night, is lonely, upset, needs to go to the bathroom or needs something and calls for you. you ignore her calling to you, ignore her as her cries become more frantic, ignore her as she sobs, heartbroken, just because you know she's fed, probably doesn't need the bathroom, is safe and she needs to soothe herself, not manipulate you?

Sounds pretty heartless and downright cruel doesn't it? In fact, neglect of this kind IS considered to be cruel, even illegal, but for some reason babies aren't afforded the same rights as adults by many people.

Why do some people believe babies should act and react like adults and then not even show them the compassion they would show an adult?

As I write this, my infant son sleeps on my lap, safe, content, loved and secure in his rights to a safe environment, nourishment of his body AND respect for his feelings and needs. I wish all babies felt this way...

Dr. Sears on sleep training

Dr. Sears on sleep training