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Flower Essences are used therapeutically to harmonize the body, the mind and the spirit! Essences contain the life force or vibrational level of the flowers used to make the them. They work on a mental and emotional level to relieve negative feelings and encourage the healing process, and to balance the energy in the body. The essences contain the energy or imprint of the plant from which they are made. Each plant has been instilled by the devas and nature spirits with patterns that are designed to work with our body's energy field and neural system. when we are experiencing imbalance within any aspect of our lives, it can manifest on the physical plane, many times as illness. Flower essence can help by aligining and unlocking our energy pathways. They vitalize and clear our inner pathways when they have become blocked from negative thoughts and emotions, restricting beliefs and upsetting memories that obstruct our sense of harmony.

In the emotional and mental realms they can assist us in defining and changing patterns that cause disharmony. Spiritually they support our universal connection to all life as an intimate part of ourselves.Flower essences energies can be used to clear your environments vibration and/or allow for chi flow. Most commonly this is at work and home, but it can be used anywhere. You should notice a different vibration although subtle, in self/area shortly after you spray!

Essential oils combined with the flower essence make a wonderfully interactive experience. Essential oils work on the sense of smell, and the sense of smell is the sense of imagination,and hinges on an emotional connection. Aromas are transmitted rapidly from olfactor cells in the nose to the limbic system in the brain which perceives and responds to emotion, pleasure and memory. Scents trigger the limbic system to release neurochemicals which influence mood.

They are suitable for all people of all ages.

The essence are bottled in colors for a reason, they help to protect against sunlight. It is recommended to keep bottles out of direct sunlight and away from extreme heat or cold. Keeping them away from electrical devices like your microwave oven is recommended,.basically anything else that could influence the vibrational level of the spray.

You can use the spray 10-12 inches above your head. It can also be used as a linen spray prior to retiring in the evening, although not recommended for use on white sheets because of the oil properties. Do not spray directly into eyes, and is for external use only. In times of crisis you may use as often as you determine necessary. The fragrance is lightly scented so it will rapidly disburse in the area sprayed. The energetic properties will continue for quite some time.

We are pleased to offer to you the following Aromatic Sprays, combinations of flower essence and essential oils.


Refresh and renew, click here for list of flower essences used


Useful for all major changes, click here for list of flower essences used


Useful energy, click here for list of flower essences used


One of the more popular sprays dealing with Love on all levels!


Openness to communicate with your inner self -Click here for list of flower essences used.


Health, Wealth and Relationships -Click here for list of flower essences used.


For the Joy of Life -Click here for list of flower essences used.


to calm nerves -Click here for list of flower essences used.


Reprogramming of over indulgence - click here for listing of flower essences used.


Releasing undesired energy - click here for listing of flower essences used.


Relaxation and here for listing of flower essences used.

FOR THE CHILDREN here for listing of flower essences used.


Memories of home - click here for listing of flower essences used


Angelic protection and guidance, click here for list of flower essences used

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Essences are an excellent therapy in their own right and a complement to any health care regimen, whether holistic, conventional, or a combination of these. However, they are not a substitute for medical, psychological, or veterinary care. If the condition or situation persists, see your health care professional.

The information in this web site is for educational purposes only. It has not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your health care professional if you have any questions.

Copyright 2001 NJP