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Fish bowls are the most ecological pet short of the Pet Rock, so why are the Italians outlawing them?

In this energy short era, when we need to learn to live lightly on the planet, the governments of two Italian cities, First Monza, then Rome, are insisting that people use more electricity to keep fish. They are outlawing the goldfish bowl.

The fish bowl is commonly attacked by other more advanced aquarium keepers, but it is the advanced aquarium keepers who damage the environment, by letting loose new and exotic predators that wipe out native fish stocks, by paying for fish that are collected from the wild in ways that destroy the environment, and finally by using aquarium technologies that use so much electricity.

Fish keep in simple bowls by contrast are the most ecologically friendly pet since the pet rock. The fish, other animals, and plants kept in bowls are with but a few exceptions breed in captivity. Ghost shrimp are collected from the wild, but are probably so common that this causes little harm. Furthermore, almost all of the fish kept in bowls have been kept for so long that if they were going to invade your local environment they would have decades ago. And finally no electricity means no fossil fuels burned.

The fish kept in my bowls live well, much better than most fish in regular aquariums. Frequently after keeping them for many months or a few years I turn them in to the fish stores and get something else I am interested in.

I do not know the exact laws that have been passed. The newspaper reports write about laws banning spherical bowls, I currently use a drum style bowl, but no spherical bowls. Perhaps the Italian laws would not be aimed at what this site recommends, but I suspect they would.

If you are interested in these news stories here are two sources.

  • Washington Post This includes advice on keeping a gold fish.
  • Free Republic

    If you are interested in my experience and advice on keeping fish bowls you can check out the rest of the site.

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    Last Updated August 13, 2012

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