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Ozana's Bosnian Recipe for Dyeing Easter Eggs with Onion Skins

A detailed picture of Ozana's Eggs

Before you start

Wash eggs with warm water and soap. Manufacturers make them look better by by adding a coat of oil and that will prevent the dye from absorbing well.

Let the eggs warm to room temperature, it prevents the shells from cracking when you boil them.

Materials to use

Yellow and Red onion shells (lots of them)

Vinegar and water

Eggs of course

Things from the nature: flowers, leaves, feathers, get creative

Rubber bands

Nylon Stockings

Time and a bit of patience


Make a tea using onion shells, water and vinegar (it stinks). Measurements are of your choice, if you want darker colors; add more shells and less water.

Cool the tea down to room temperature.

Pick a flower, for example, place it on the egg, wrap the egg in the nylon stocking, tie it with rubber band and place it into the onion shell tea, piece of cake, right?

Hard boil eggs for 5-10-15-20 minutes, or as you wish. If you cook them shorter, color will be lighter, and vice versa.

Remove the socking and flower, rinse and cool down.

When cooled enough, coat with oil (place oil on kitchen towel, and rub gently).

Arrange in the basket or so, and share with your neighbor.

Happy Easter from Eastern Europe!

PS: For speckled eggs use chamomile or mint tea instead of flower or flower petals.

For symbols use stickers or rubber bends or thread or, well get creative...

For different colors than gold or burgundy, add drops of food coloring after you take eggs out, sprinkle them, green looks great.

Richard's Comment

They do look great, everyone is really impressed. Furthermore, said she made a big batch in about an hour and a half. Probably less than a minute an egg. Even one egg is enough to really impress people. Of course, Ozana has experience, it will take you longer the first time you make them.