Well, bad news. I've had zero time to work on thi site lately, and plus I'm going back to school soon, which means even less time, then on top of that, I've actually had people asking for web design, so I'm designing sites for about three bands.. so as hard as this was to do..I've just decided to give up on this site. The little remaining time I have left for the net will be used to run the Justifide fan club on yahoo, and update my personal site: Walk The Tracks

. I'm not going to take this site down or anything, I'm going to leave it here, because it still has a pretty decent band directory, and there's some other litte things that might be worth someones time,....so It will still be here, it just wont be getting updated....If I get the other e-mail interview back from the band I contacted, I'll go ahead and put it up, but if not, then this is it....over a year of my life. I've met loads of cool people, bands, and webmasters, and got lots of hate mail..It's been a great ride, and I hope it was at last as much fun for you as it was for me, but everything comes to an end eventually..as I knew this site would, I just never thought it'd be so soon. So, you guys take care, God bless you in all you do, thank you all, I'm finished.


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