30th December 2002
New song!! Haha.. This is an original song from me! Wrote this song in 10 minutes~ hehe.. The song is titled "Won't You Love Me". I don't even know why I wrote this song. English song somemore. No special meaning about the song... Haha.. Did it for fun~ And the blendings~! Enjoy!

14th December 2002
New songs uploaded again! This time its new songs written by me early this month! The first song is a cover originally from Kelly Chan - Ji Shi Ben. Another song is originally from me, No One Loves Me Like The Way You Do. Enjoy!

26th November 2002
New songs uploaded! Truelover live and non-live version; you judge it for yourself and dengdai, an original song!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!! =)

25th November 2002
Revamped the whole site with more intro about myself, more links updated, and more graphics!

4th November 2002
Uploaded a song!!!! A duet with Frederick!! WOO HOO!!!!! First try on a duet! Hope our voices blend!! Time for some male's voice lol... He is a talented guy! Writes his own music!

20th November 2002
Updated my links section!! Changed Vivien's name.. (haha sorry!) and added Anne, my future music partner! haha

19th November 2002
Christmas is coming!! A new layout to celebrate it! ^-^ So happy.. I love Christmas.. and well I've added a section featuring my desktop and a wishlist! Check them out on the right!

5th November 2002
Uploaded a new song! Finally a FULL song!! "Fen Shou Kuai Le" by Fish Leong... Enjoy and tell me how I sound ok!

Uploaded a new link!! Wenni! ^0^

4th November 2002
Changed Layout, revamped my links page, gonna change my songs soon! Hmm.. Maybe I'll add a background voice soon too~ 

1st November 2002
Updated with a lot of links!! New layout... Stupid layout.. gonna change soon.......

25th October 2002
My sister's birthday!! Happy Birthday!!!!

Added a new song!! "Dream A little Dream of Me.." hee.. Hope its nice to you!!!

20th October 2002
Tomorrow's me and dar's 6 months anniversary!!! ^-^ 

Added a new song, did it out of boredom and the blending is abit yucks... OH well.. Will take it off soon... =P

18th October 2002
Three more days and my hell days will come... Sighs. Yes, my first paper is on Tuesday. Oh ya, hows the layout?? New layout... Sparkles... hehe.. I thought I like it... What about you? =)

Took off the background music.. Think its abit noisy ...HMm.. The music section will be revamped soon.. I'm still trying to figure out flash... hmm.. sighs.. I'm so incompetent hehe... Till then..!

16 October 2002
I want to change the layout to flash!!! I've already worked on some of the things , but I still can't get the buttons right.. can aynone teach me how to do iframes in flash? Hmmm.. Sighs.. anyway, Huishan told me to join a singing competition to accompany her.. and in the end I found out that the contest is actually the 933fm super idol warners records contest!! I mean.. I didn't know that the competition is such a boigggggggggg one!!!! haha... but anyway, I regreted joining and I really hope that the organizers won't call me..I don't have time for them =P
>>> more

09 October 2002
Added a new link~ Sehsuan... hehe... I actually searched for his homepage through yahoo.com, where I type sehsuan lol... I had his link as my favourites at home but my com gone~ Sighs... I miss my blgoging days at home... Really tired nowadays... Too many stuffs!~ Exams coming up... Blog will still be active... Other parts on hiatus!

26th September 2002
Links are getting alot.. Changed them into a drop down box =) Oh ya, I've linked pinkspider, daryn and pauline! Thanks for coming around! 

Damn I still can't get the script running.. someone help!

25th September 2002
Added one more link to silentboi! A nice little webby! Erm... Placed the background music again... It's me singing Friend by Shunza. You can also download this version in the media page. Enjoy~

24th September 2002
Added two links!! Darell and Frederick! Two Cool sites!! Darell is a new friend I knew from the net =P and Fred compose and sings!! I love his voice!! Do check them out!!

P.S. Please link me! And tell mi so that I can link you too? =)

<edit> Just added a few entries in my diary, relating to the guys in my life.... </edit>

23th September 2002
After 3 hours, a new layout is finally done!! and just as I'm about to finish on my touchups, someone is flooding my tagboard again!! haha.. well, I don't mind, cause I'm prepared for it! Can't be really bothered.. 

Anyway, I'm ill.. Sighs. Do you guys like this layout? Sign my guestbook please? =)

21th September 2002
I'm BACK! The whole media page is being revamped. YaY~ Added two news songs sung by my friends~ Belinda with Re Dai Yu Lin, and Jason with Xiao Zhi~ Do gave comments in my guestbook!

12th September 2002
Guys I had enough of people flooding my tag-board. New layout, without tagboard. No more nonsence.