Update Archives

June - December 2001
January - June 2002

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28th June 2002
- Hmm.. I just forget to post in my blog that I went to PADANG on Wednesday and watched the match bw Brazil and Turkey.. haha.. What an experience =Þ

- Eh... No songs at the moment.. Though I've got so many songs at hand.. I can't decide which one to post... They are either not nice or off key.. haha... Joking.. hee... Well... Last day of work tomorrow.. Wish me luck and that everything will go on smoothly!!! 

- New Coco Lee layout.. (Eh.. Sorry for the late update..) You guys like this update? Please tell me!

22nd June 2002
- New layout!! Muahahah but its too big..haha.. Please press F11 for better view! ^_^ Oh... I've just sang a few songs.. Might upload them soon.. They're Coco Lee's LASTEST songs!!!~

- (edit) A new song uploaded!!! Dedicated to all Coco Lee fans..... You Ni Jiu Gou Le (Her Lastest Song!)

21 June 2002
- Yay!! I've finally bought Coco Lee's Remix CD!! And finally know that ALL the songs inside are actually remixed!! Yes.. You guys should buy it!!! Anyway.... Today I've just registered for a new domain name.. You guys can now go to my website by any one of these URLs =)

- http://etel.cjb.net
- http://www.etel.cjb.net
- https://www.angelfire.com/home/etel
- http://angelfire.com/home/etel
- http://www.geocities.com/etelteo
- http://geocities.com/etelteo
- http://simple.as/EteL

Hmm.. Please visit the Official Coco Lee DISCOCO website at www.coco-lee.com.tw

17th June 2002
- COCO LEE CD WILL BE RELEASED TOMORROW!!!!!! It means new layout (definitely!), new songs (from the album), more diary entries, less money =P OH YES I can't wait for her songs to be released!!!!!~ 

(NOTE: This album is a remix and contains three new songs... For more details, please go to www.cocofans.com)

- Made some changes to the links page...... and new link me icons...

14th June 2002
- Grr.. too many people ask me about my pic.. So here it is.. Don't ask me anymore~

10th June 2002
- The GALLERY section is official LAUNCHED today!! Feel free to look @ them! ^_^ Hmm.. Revamped the whole Media section and is happy to announce that THREE NEW SONGS UPLOADED!!! (Da an, Deng Dai and Zhi De respectively) Please listen to my Original song and tell me what you think of it! I don't like the lyrics but I love the melody!~ (Anyone can write the lyrics for me? =P)

8th June 2002
- Two days.. And I'm still sick.. I haven't slept a wink since 2am.. and its now 3pm.. Sobs... I can't get to sleep... My tummy aches and I go to the ladies every now and then.... 

- Just received a news that Coco Lee is making a REMIX album! Ooo.. I can't wait for that album to be released. It is going to be released soon... For more details, please check out cocofans.com

- Well, sang a few songs and thought I'd upload one of them.. So here it is... "Ai He Cheng Nuo" =P Someone please blend in and make it a duet! and Sorry its so short!~

- Hmm.. right now I'm working on a gallery section.. Its still not functioning yet but you can take a look! It will be up soon!~

6th June 2002
- Here's something for you peeps to do!

Which of the following songs I've sang is your favourite? (You can click on the title to download it!)

Zai Ting Yi Ci
A Love Before Time
True Lover
Sunny Day
Chang Tou Fa
The Answer

Current Results

- Hmm... New layout AGAIN... Coco Lee.... *don't kill me* hehe... I know I use her too much.. hehe... Well... I'm having my THREE DAYS OFF from today.. whahaha.. So happy!!!! ^_^ 

- World cup... Hmm... People... Don't bet too much k ^_^ hehe... Check out my blogs for more updates in my life!

2nd June 2002
- hahahahahaha This is my new layout!!! My favourite Doraemon!! My Very first time using frames... Another type of layout!!! The picture is in courtesy of doraemon-land.com .. But I edited eveything myself =)

- New month! New look! Everything is in a fresh page! =P Oh well... If you cannot view this page properly... That's not my biz... =P Erm.. For better viewing... Please hit F11 ! ^_^

- Ooooohhhh.... I'm all excited about this new layout~! And I finally know how to change the chatbox's background! haha..

- Oh ya... you need to have verdana to be able to view this site!

< top >

29th May 2002
- Since its my off day... I've done up another layout!! This layout is the SIMPLIEST I've ever done.. haha... Hmm... Coz I'm Simply EteL =)Oh ya.. can you find the navigation icons?? =P

28th May 2002
- A new song uploaded!!! Please listen and gimme comments in my chatbox!!! Tomorrow is my OFF DAY!!!!!! OH YES!!!!!! =P Visit my blog for more!

21th May 2002
- New layout...!!~ Hmm.. Tell me if you guys like it okay? ^_^ For better viewing, please hit F11... (edit:- This layout is more of a fiery feeling..... Hee... A new type of presenting... Never did this before.... Did this layout because I'm full of passion now! ^_*)

20th May 2002
- A TOTAL NEW VOICE!!!!! My talentime's clip, our beloved Matthew's voice!! He is a nice guy, a handsome one and someone whom can sing and play guitar!!!!! Sounds perfect? He is THAT perfect!!! Please listen to his clip!!! His voice.. well, you judge for yourself.... =P

- Hmm.. Since his voice is up, I should update my homepage too right? I've not been writing much in my diary.. Hee.. So here I am.. With a new song, an English song.. "Nobody wants to be lonely.." =) [edit:- Yes I did the blending myself ;)]

14th May 2002
- I seldom update at this time.. haha... I'm going off to work now.. and thought I'll just drop by to take a look ^_^ Take care guys... Work... siannnnnn...........

13 May 2002

Update - Got some serious prob with the downloading of files. If you cannot download by clicking on it, please right click and download. I will try to solve it as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience. > This is just for the mp3 files. 

- I've just uploaded a FAST paced song!!! Hee.... The title is "And I Know" Originally by Elva and Shunza. Please download it!!!

- Uploaded yet ANOTHER song!!! It is an ORIGINAL song from me, myself and I. However, it is just a portion of it. The song is the VERY FIRST SONG that I wrote! Enjoy!! - An Lian (Secretly in love) -

[Coming up:- Talentime clips 2002, including my classmates songs!]

(NOTE: I cannot seem to click on the links of the songs. If you encounter the same prob, kindly right click and save in your folder to open ^_^) 

11th May 2002
- Uploaded one song.. Oh.. My microphone is working properly now! hehe... I like this song very much... Will not put it in the media section because I don't think I sound well in this song... Just sang it for fun =P Actually sang quite a number of songs but chose this in the end... ^_^

9th May 2002
- hehe... Changed the layout!!!! Coco Lee...... My fav..... Today off so got time.... hee... I wanna keep things as simple as possible and I want to mak a 'sweet' homepage? hahaha... I hope this is a combination of cool and sweetness!!! Hope you guys like it! ^_^

5th May 2002
- Tomorrow work... *dread* added two new sections - Help and Frequently Asked Questions pages. Someone suggested to me for these pages... So here they are... You may view them by clicking at the navigations links =)
- Changed abit on the "archives" page to make viewing more convenient.. 
- Latest updates in my diary.........

2nd May 2002
- New Month!
- New Look!
- New Page!
All the best to my last paper tomorrow! =) Decided to change the picture above *point point* whenever I'm free. All images are done by me~
(Layout courtesy of layoutland.com)


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27 Apr 2002
- Two new songs added!!! ^_^ You can listen to it at the media section!! And I've taken away some songs that I don't really like... =) Enjoy!

25 Apr 2002
- Guys! Here I am, with the Latest layout!!! (This is the original layout. I've made a few changes to it ^_^) I'm too lazy to make one, so I got this from layoutland.com *grins* I love purple and the cat! *me0wS* (=^_^=) Hope you guys like this new layout!

- One new song uploaded! BUT! Its NOT my voice!! It's the friend that sing duet with me on talentime!! Please listen to her and gimme your views! Her voice is very sweet!! ^_^

21 Apr 2002
- It seems like AGES since I last edited this... LOLz... Well, I've made a little bit of changes in the links page and one more song uploaded! Its sung by S.H.E. =) And I did all the background vocals myself! ^_^ Please go to media section! And also, feel free to view my diary!! I update it everyday =)

19 Apr 2002
- Changed the layout again, this time with a chromeless window.... Well, like I've said in my guestbook, I think I might close down this homepage in the near future... I'm confused about this... Anyway, enjoy.....IN any case if you enter another place and you can't come back to the main screen, refresh by pushing F5 =)

16 Apr 2002
- I'm very tired ahhhhhhhh... Going to sleep now!!! Just done up a page using overlapping of images.. Aiya.. not very nice... But I'm too tired to change... Nah.. "BabY"... The tribal page you want.. lolz...  Added on more original song I've written last night in the Original songs section.. ZzzZzzzzz... Good nights

15 Apr 2002
- I've just revamped the whole Media section. That's why the song of the day had been taken down... FOUR NEW SONGS~!! *smiles* Well, I should be studying now.. Sigh.. Just can't get anything into my head.. typical...

14 Apr 2002
GUYS!!!!!!!!!! I've added THREE ORIGINAL SONGS!!!! Yes!! I wrote them myself last night!!! I hope you guys like them!!! Added abit of music in two of them.. Hee... Wee I'm so happy =P Please go to the Original songs section to hear them!! ^_^ And please leave comments in my guestbook too!!

13 Apr 2002
- Changed the layout again because of the discovery of hotlinks... hehe... Hmm.. The theme is STILL purple.. Hehehe.. Sorry guys.. I like that color too much.. lolz... Feel free to tour around =)

11 Apr 2002
- BIG update!!! I've decided to sing a song everyday?? ..Erm... Every few days... and that I will put it up as a random play in the main page!!! *smile big big* How do you guys think of the idea? Please sign my guestbook for comments!! Thanks!! Those songs will then be added to the media section! ^_^ 

- I feel so happy now I wanna scream!!! I know how to use hotlinks, finally!!! LOLz... Finished my proposed website layout! Feel free to view it and please give me comments~!!!

- Yes!!! The 2001 Talentime clip is up again!! Hmm... People had been asking for it so here it is... EteL's Talentime Performance!!! *True Lover*

- Please visit my diary for the daily blogs!

11 Apr 2002
- Taken those two songs out... Sorry... Hmmm.. BUT!i I've just uploaded another new song!!! hehe... Surprised? hehehe... Hmmm.. This is the proposed plan for someone's website *winkz & blinkz* .... Though there is only one banner for the time being.. *too busy* sory :(

- Finally finished my project!!! Time for bed!!! ^_*

08 Apr 2002
- YES!!! One song uploaded! *giggles* Actually its twoooooo.... Same song, two different versions!!! ^_^ Finally I've something for my webby lol... 

- Well, I like this song very much and therefore made two versions of it... However, will take them down soon.. Hmm... Take up too much space.....

08 Apr 2002
- Hmm Add in more things about me in this page

- Added surveys! Please click here or here.

06 Apr 2002
- Hmm... Noticed that some people cannot get in my diary main page. Alternatively, you may visit http://etel.diaryland.com and view the previous or next entries by clicking on the <--- or ---> at the bottom of each entry. 

- So sweet of Hazmee to create this banner for me!!!!!!!! Thanks bro!!!!!!! ^_^ Please click on it for a clearer view!!! And please link me too~ ^_^

03 Apr 2002
- Arranged certain things in the main page.. *obviously* Hmm.. as I'm a left handed, I forgot that it is actually easier to view this way i.e. to swap its current positions. Anyway, A brand new month, a fresh page for it. For older entries, please see the archive.

02 Apr 2002
- Oh man, its late.. What am I doing here haha... Okie... I did up a few banners so that you guys can link me!! See if you can guess the background....... hehe....

- Also, a new site updater somewhere on top to let you guys see when was my last update in this site!

- Please save the banners by right clicking and link to http://etel.cjb.net Thank you! *off to bed OMG lol*

< top >

31 Mar 2002
- Hey guys!! New layout!! I LOVE this layout!! I like blue and I've never used blue as a layout theme before!! I think this layout is so cool... haha... Enjoy folks.. I don't think I will be changing this layout anytime soon!! ^_^

- I've taken away the song I've uploaded yesterday.. haha.. But if you are *dying* to listen, you can contact me @ etel1@hotmail.com hehe... 

- A new column set up! The arts section will be featuring all arts created by me with either softwares or drawings.. Hee... 

I LOVE MY NEW LAYOUT!!! haha....

30 Mar 2002
- One new song uploaded~ Actually not very satisfied with it... Will take it off soon *grins* This is not really a song... Hmmm.. A Rap... Yes.. ME doing a RAP... Cannot make it?? haha... Lets see.........

29 Mar 2002
- Main page changed. 
- Some songs taken out. 
- Biography out. 
- Banner changed. 
- Navigations changed.
- Links page done. 
- Photo added. 

- Hmm.. not bad... managed to get a few things done on Good Friday hee... And it is as good as changing the layout!~ =) Well.. Will chagge more soon~ Coming up:- More songs!!

28 Mar 2002
- hehehe... Some things happened in the 'people' section... but I'm not sure what... hehehe.... *grins* (hint: There should be two changes) hehe

25 Mar 2002
- Hmm... registered for a new guestbook... The past two guestbooks are just too messy lolz... Hmmm... And I've updated the links page... ^_^

24 Mar 2002
- Haha.. Another song uploaded!!! It is ORIGINAL.... YeS!!!~ I wrote and sang the song myself.. Please listen to the song and take a look at the lyrics!!!~ New stuffs will be added soon!! Stay tuned!!!~ check out my diary for more..............

23 Mar 2002
- Oh yeS!!!! New Layout, new diary!! Yes I've moved my diary to diaryland.com hehehe... My new layout still have PURPLE.. hehe.. My favourite color... Now it is more warm.. Rather than the previous layout... So cool and black.. hehehe.. Oki.. Check out my diary for more information and feelings on my new layout!! Everything is new! YeS!! ^_^ But I think this layout is abit plain.. Oh well, Simplicity is Creativity.. hahaha

- TWO more songs UPLOADED!!!! YES!! Hahaha... Hope you guys like them!!!! Click on media in the navigation to listen it!!!

20 Mar 2002
- Added a new song in the audio section... Please listen to it and give comments.. It is actually a musical.. No lyrics.. That's why I sound like this. 12 seconds non stop... ^_^ 

19 Mar 2002
- And the winner is.................. please click on my diary for more details.....

17 Mar 2002
- Hee.. Been lazy and busy these few days... Never make any updates... Anyway... Tomorrow is the TALENTIME FINALS!!!!! hee... Whatever it is... I should really enjoy myself!!~ Hmmm... More diary entries... =)

11 Mar 2002
- YES ARGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!! I've finally moved my site!! Now this site is FREE from BANNERS. YES!! I'm so happy... 
- Made a few amendments to my website... Deleted a few pages away... hehe... Deleted a few songs too. Feel that they are not "up to standard"... Will record more in the future!!
- Hmm... Changed the hover links... hehehe... ^_^ I hope you all like this little website of mine!!!~

10 Mar 2002
- New song uploaded... Yawnz... I sing with my sore throat ... hehe... But I cannot wait!! Cause I like that song very much.. hehe... Anyway, its a nice Sunday! ^_^ Please go to the "media" section to listen to this song~

09 Mar 2002
- Hmmm No update except my diary entries... Sigh... Being lazy these few days... Hee.. Anyway, I'm having a sore throat now.. *drink too much* So I guess there will be no songs for now~ But I will record some soon!! Hehe.. Thanks for visiting and please sign my guestbook so that I can know you better! MY icq number is 85013965!~ ^__^

< top >

25 Feb 2002
- New layout for some of the pages.. Hee.. Added a new introduction of me in biography... 

- Please link my webby using THIS banner!!!

- New songs updates!!! TWO NEW SONGS!!! Please click HERE!! I hope you do like the songs.. and after listening to it tell me how it is in my guestbook k? ^_^

- The two songs are *Black Sky* originally by Stefanie Sun... That's the weather now.. heehee
- The other song is Ah*Mei's Zhen Shi.. (Truth) I sang this song with my friend for the SB talentime.. I sang this song to keep this as a remembrance to both me and her... Thanks Luan ^_^

- Loads of diary updates.. Please click on the above navigation to be directed there...

- One picture uploaded!! My poly ex class... Click HERE please... 

20 Feb 2002
- Wahahahahaha... I did not fall down when I'm singing.. hahaha.. Its OVER!!!!!! Its ALL written in my diary!!! Heeheehee... So funny!!! *MUACKS my classmates and myself* ^_^

19 Feb 2002
- After 17 and a 1/2 hours I will be on the stage singing for the audition!! It is REALLY scary now... My stomach ache, My head ache.. My throat aches.. Will I be able to make it??? *prays hard* I will be singing the same song as in my talentine 2001~ "Wo De Qing Ren........" 

17 Feb 2002
- Guys!! I got in the second audition for the inter poly Talentine!! I'm so excited!! heehee.. Check out my diary entries often to see my updates!! And there's one NEW song I sang uploaded!!! ^_^ Weeeeeee....... I'm so happy!! hahaha... In the meantime, I will do my best updating this site! hehe.. take care guys!!! Oh by the way.. Want to see my picture?? Click HERE!! *GRINZ*

15 Feb 2002
- Well Guys... *NEW* update!!! I've got a SCANNER now..!!!! Finally!!! hahaha... And I've written some lyrics and scan them =) Check them out HERE!!! The song is "An Lian" I'm just too lazy to type in the Chinese wordings... Therefore I write.. hehe... Anyway, tomorrow I have a test.. Therefore... Off I go!! ^_^

13 Feb 2002
- I feel so sad... upset.. Is this website creating that feeling for me because it looks so grey?... sigh.. I really wonder if I'm ok.. and I will be ok or not.. I'm beginning to feel helpless.. I got to motivate myself soon.. I'm bored to the maX, tired to the end....

12 Feb 2002
- New Layout!!! I'm feeling kinda blue now.. that's why my layout is in Grey.. Hmmm.. THIS is my old layout.. I like my old layout.. but I guess it time to change the layout too =) It is VERY tedious to change... But I will do it... HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!! ^_^

09 Feb 2002

- Loads of diary updates.. anyway, I never update alot of things these days.. Any suggestions?? ^_^

- Click HERE - I like this flash!

02 Feb 2002
- Chinese New Year is reaching as well as valentine's day... Oh well... hehe... and I'm sick!! Sigh... *cough cough* The Talentime is coming nearer and nearer... hmmmm...

- Click HERE to see previous updates!~

- Diary Update... With a comic strip included~

< top >

30 Jan 2002
- Hey guys... Can anyone tell me if I can play a DVD in my computer? Why? Because Coco Lee's DVD is out! And its KARAOKE enabled! Someone tell me please!! And I've got my diary updated ^_^ ... Life is Stressful with the workload piling up day by day.. Anyway.. I will do my best!!! ^_^

28 Jan 2002
- Many updates today!!! ^_^ It is coming near to the end of the month! And Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day is coming soon! Hee... *money face* ($_$) hehe...

- ANNOUNCEMENT - I've got the most updates in January!!! Click HERE to see archives.....

- One new clip added!!! Click HERE please ^_^ *SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!*

- My diary entry.. hee.. *Click the navigation buttons* ^_^

26 Jan 2002
- haha.. Guys don't puke when you hear this!!! I've sang a VERY OLD song by Theresa Teng.. haha... Its "Ni Zen Me Shuo" in Mandarin.. hehehe.. I had goose bumps when I hear myself singing it! haha.. Check it out HERE!... My diary entry! ^_^ Guys its Saturday night!!! YaY!! EnjoY!!~

- Come and see my Coco collections.....

25 Jan 2002
- I'm so sad... So tired.. So frustrated... I just bought Coco's VCD today... till then.. Good night everyone.... *ZzzZzzzz* My Diary Entry....

21 Jan 2002
- Damn Its 440am now and I can't sleep!!!~ I gotta wake up at 740am later!! *screams*... But I'm not tired.. In fact, I've done up THREE diary entries!!! *freaked out* I better go catch some rest now.. Oh well... Check out this website when you are free.. *yawnz*

20 Jan 2002
- Made a few minor changes to this webby... Includes the scroller color, my diary layout... Not obvious though...

- Diary entry.. Guys.. in future I will not be putting up diary updates here.. Its too tedious as sometimes I only have one update which is the diary.. haha

18 Jan 2002
- Guys.. GUESS WHAT!!!?? I've uploaded my TALENTIME 2001 LIVE clip!!! You can hear the screams and all that.. hahaha... YOU MUST LISTEN TO THIS!!!!!!!! ~CLICK HERE to download!!!~

- My diary ^_^

14 Jan 2002
- Guys!!! I've uploaded a new song... haha!! Its my first try on acapella!! You MUST hear it and give me comments!! Basically, I blend three tones of my own voice together.. Which creates this effect.. This is only a demo, that's why its so short~ I'm so excited about this new clip... haha!!

NOTE:- The background blending voice is STILL ME!!! =)

Please click HERE to be directed to the page for download!!!!

- My diary entry... As usual ^_^

13 Jan 2002
- A WHOLE NEW FULL song uploaded!!! hee.... Please click HERE to download!!! =) Give me comments HERE after you've heard it!!! Thanks in advance!!!

11 Jan 2002
- Wow!!! The performance is over!!! My diary entry says it all... Go and read! ^_^ I'm so tired now.. I think I better rest well!! I love singing!!! *freaked out*

10 Jan 2002
- Took out some songs because I didn't realise that they were so badly sung!!! hee.. More will be coming up... ^_^

- One more song uploaded!!!!The Final version of "didadi"!!~

- Diary... As usual.. =P

09 Jan 2002
- Guys I am SO TIRED!!~ Lazy for updates... Anyway today I had my rehearsal and everything went on so well!! ^_^ Will tell you more later!! Anyways... Eli jie had requested for a song for me to sing.. hehe.. You may download it *HERE* ... But I'm taking it off to record a better version soon!!! Stay tuned!! =P *off to bed* Ling Signing off ~815pm~

Now you can request things/songs or give me any comments after visiting this website!! Check out HERE!!!!

08 Jan 2002
- *excited* I will be performing on Friday night!! Check out my diary for more!!!

- Hmm.. I've created a form for any requests you guys have for me!! ^_^ ~Click here~

06 Jan 2002
- I will be having a performance on Friday ^_^ .. Check out my diary entry for more!~

- Changed abit of the layout.. The navigation bars... The diaries are moved to another webby... ^_^

04 Jan 2002
- Guys, I found something cool!~ Check it out~ www.colorgenics.com

- And my results for this personality test...

03 Jan 2002
- Hmm.. What updates today?? Click HERE to find out =P

~(o"o)~Happy New Year!!! ~(o"o)~

01 Jan 2002
- New Year! New resolutions!~ *too tired.. update tomorrow... *winkz*

- Diary entry... Sigh.. Only one update for the new year.. *disappointed with myself* (Sowee)Please click on "diary" at the navigation bar ^_^

< top >

29 Dec 2001
- Pikablueey sis did a notice for me!! Thank you!!!~ Love ya!!! ~notice~

- I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who wished me happy birthday!! hee!!! May peace be with you!

- Diary.....

26 Dec 2001
- Diary update!!!~ Click here!~

- Presents!~

- Sign my guestbook please ^_^

HãppÝ Bïrthdå¥ tõ M€!!!!

24 Dec 2001
- Christmas is coming VERY soon! Woo Hoo!!!

- ~Diary update~ *sad* Not much nice updates these days....

~Hereby, I wish Everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!~

21 Dec 2001
~It is not the amount of harm done, it is the degree of hurt caused~

- Hey guys.. Not much updates... but Coco Lee's concert later at night!!!~ *can't wait*hee...

20 Dec 2001
- Diary againz...

- Finally!! Another song uploaded! ~April 1969~

18 Dec 2001
- Moved all my diaries to diaryland! hee.. More spaces for other stuffs *grinZ*

13 Dec 2001
- A small update.. Today's diary and some thoughts...

09 Dec 2001
- One more song added! ~Hero~

05 Dec 2001
- 1th and 4th of December's diary entry.

- Some personality tests I took....

< top >

30 Nov 2001
- Diary on 27th and 30th

- See the updates from Jul
y till Nov here!

22 Nov 2001
- Its my Online diary again.....

21 Nov 2001
- My online diary... Hmmmm

20 Nov 2001
- Damm's view on Chat...

- Re's view on Chat...

- Another entry in my Online Diary...

19 Nov 2001
- Little_Faery's thoughts on Chat.... Click here....

18 Nov 2001
- A new forum created!!!!~ Come on in to discuss anything!!!~

- Took away tones...

- One more article added!! Contributed by GemGem, my closest jie... Click here...

16 Nov 2001
- Online diary - NEW!!!

- My view on Chat.....

14 Nov 2001
- Something happened on the "People" page.. But I'm not sure what.... =Þ

- One more page included!!!!~ Click here..

3 Nov 2001
- Yawnz!!! Finally changed everything and is ready for viewership!!woo hoo... *new guestbook outlook too!* (9:30am) *did not sleep..*

- Uploaded 'A love before time' sung by me in album... hmmm... my fav song...and not JUST that song ^_^

- Election day *laughs*

- Ringtones for Nokia users...

< top >

2 Sep 2001
- The song is taken away :( alot of people are giving others my song without my permission ..*sobz*

- one clarification - I did NOT interview myself...

< top >

18 Aug 2001
- One more entry in my thoughts.... *Link taken away*

9 Aug 2001
- My pc microphone is down :( no songs at the moment......sObz

- Weee.... National Day... I missed the NDP... sobz...

< top >

25 Jul 2001
- School had started for nearly a month... one more song I sang in My album :)
*comments comments in my new guestbook!!*

16 Jul 2001
- Argh...Its been a long time since I've updated my homepage....So busy these days...sigh...Anyway, Coco's new CD is going to be released!! so happy..hehe....hmmm....

< top >

29 Jun 2001
- The midis are removed to enable faster uploading of the pages :)

- Changed the background of some pages...yipee!! nicer.... I guess :) and clearer to see I hope...

Guys... Today I've just created this page....so that you guys will know what's happening to me nowadays.... Currently there are no updates except for the creation of this page *laugh* Just Tour around.....and enjoy!~

26th July 2002                      My Schedule - See what I mean now?? Haha.. My tight schedule is just like that! And this is only for one week! I got more to come... Sighs... Well, things are definitely clearer now... Please view my blogs for more details! Take care guys.. Gonna be busy these days!!!  23th July 2002 - Congrats to my blogs @ diaryland! Its my 200th entry there!! Wow... Been busy nowadays... And had a lot of things to do... No songs at the moment :( oh ya and I've just dyed my hair! =Þ Gold... Hmmm... Not bad looking.. but oh well... =0\21th July 2002 - YEs aHhhhhhhhhh!!!! New layout!! And my favourite Love Hina character, Narusegawa!! Woo hoo... Hmm... I like this layout very much... very simple and sweet!~ do tell me if you like this layout or not ok? This layout looks sooooooo refreshing!! =Þ However, it might work for my computer... but might not work for yours! So please do tell me if you see a messed up layout! Oh and I've taken away the archives page because I think no one would view it except me anyway! *grinS*12th July 2002 - New layout!! Hmm.. Rearranged the codes to make it neater =) This layout is simpler. One song uploaded! Listen to it and gimme comments! 8th July 2002 - A new song... Eh.. Not really new but a new Coco Lee's song!~ Heee.... Please go to media and download!!! 7th July 2002 - I am BACK!~ heehee... hope you guys like this new layout.. Hmm... Actually I myself don't really like this... Nevermind =) - Will not be changing my layout for a period of time.. So bear with this =P I'm busy preparing for my school work... Homework.. =) So Take care guys!! Be sure to check out my diary and my chatbox!- MY WEBBY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!