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"Share-a-love-offering to the Little Ones"

     A story is told of an honorable godly man who used to bow his head whenever he met children.  He never did this with adults.  Asked why he loved to do it, he said: “Children are innocent.  Their lives are malleable.  They can be molded and shaped the way you want them to be.  Besides “God’s kingdom belongs to them.”

     This Share-a-love offering for the “Little Ones” program is borne out of this truth that the little children are the apple of God’s eye.  God loves and cares for the little ones.  Hence, the Christian ministry must be responsive to the needs of the children.

     Evangelical Christian Church of Manila is launching this program designed to minister the street and indigent children who live in squatter areas in Manila.  The components of this program are as follows:

Feeding Program

     Generally speaking, Filipino children, especially those living in the squatter areas, are malnourished. They desperately need food to keep their body and soul together.  ECC-Manila seeks to humanize the Christian faith and ministry to give justice and fulfillment of the well-being of little children.
ECC-Manila seeks to humanize the Christian faith…” 

Educational Program

      Evangelical Christian Church of Manila, through its Share-a-love offering for the “Little Ones” program, envisions to meet the literacy needs of children.  Out-of-school children and youth are the by-product of grinding and crippling poverty.  The children should be in schools and not out in the streets begging and becoming vagrants.

     It’s only through education that can help them uplift their pitiful economic and social condition.  ECC-Manila will never encourage dependency in a long haul.   Eventually, children will become self-reliant in the near future and in the process will restore their sense of life and human dignity.

Spiritual Program

     Social program is not a bait for evangelism.  It is an expression of our caring concern for the well-being of children.  However, foremost in our mind is the spiritual needs of children.  After all “the kingdom belongs to them” so says the Lord Jesus Christ.  Hence, they must be won to the Lord Jesus Christ.

     Surely this program will usher us opportunities and access for evangelism and missions not only among the children but their families as well.

What Can a Love Offering Do?

     Perhaps the relevant question our sponsors may ask is:  What can a love offering do to meet these urgent needs of children?
     Well, if many concerned evangelical believers will respond to this appeal ECC-Manila can do a lot for the “Little Ones.”

     Will you help?